Saturday, 5 August 2017

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HowStuffWorks Authors Ini adalah orang-orang berbakat di tim HowStuffWorks yang menyumbangkan artikel ke situs ini. Jika Anda memiliki komentar pada artikel penulis, Anda bisa mengirimkan komentar Anda melalui e-mail. Kami menunggu kabar dari Anda Tracy V. Wilson, Direktur Editorial Tracy V. Wilson bergabung dengan HowStuffWorks sebagai staf penulis pada tahun 2005 dan sekarang mengelola tim editorial situs. Dia memegang B. A. Dalam literatur dan bahasa dengan konsentrasi dalam literatur dan tulisan kreatif dari University of North Carolina di Asheville. Julie Douglas, Managing Editor Julie Douglas menerima gelar sarjana dari University of Georgia dalam drama dan saat ini merupakan M. F.A. Kandidat penulisan kreatif di Georgia State University. Allison Loudermilk, Editor Senior Allison Loudermilk berhasil mendapatkan gelar B. A. Dalam ilmu lingkungan dari Barnard College dan memiliki gelar magister dalam jurnalisme dan komunikasi massa dari University of Georgia. Ben Bowlin, Penulis Ben Bowlin meraih gelar BA dalam bahasa Inggris dan menulis kreatif dari Georgia State University, dan mempelajari Urusan Internasional di Georgia Institute of Technology. Charles W. Bryant, Penulis Senior Charles W. Bryant memperoleh gelar sarjana bahasa Inggris dari University of Georgia. Joshua M. Clark, Penulis Senior Josh Clark mempelajari sejarah dan antropologi di University of Georgia. Robert Lamb, Penulis Senior Robert Lamb memegang sebuah B. A. Dalam penulisan kreatif dari University of Tennessee. Jonathan Strickland, Penulis Senior Jonathan Strickland meraih gelar sarjana bahasa Inggris dari University of Georgia. Cristen Conger, Penulis Senior Cristen Conger meraih gelar sarjana dalam bidang jurnalistik dari University of Georgia. Sherri Larsen, Editor Media Sosial Sherri Larsen belajar seni elektronik di Atlanta College of Art, dan memperoleh gelar B. A. Dalam studi film dan M. A. dalam komunikasi dengan penekanan pada film, video dan digital imaging dari Georgia State University. Lauren Vogelbaum, Editor Lauren Vogelbaum menerima gelar sarjana bahasa Inggris dengan anak di bawah umur dalam studi Jepang dan wanita dari University of Florida. Kathryn Whitbourne, Editor Kathryn Whitbourne memiliki gelar Komunikasi dari Cornell University dan sebelumnya adalah seorang editor majalah dan seorang editorial editor di PR Newswire. Sam Abramson, Penulis Berkontribusi Sam Abramson memegang gelar B. A. Di jurusan sejarah Inggris di Universitas Emory. Amanda Arnold, Editor Berkontribusi Amanda Arnold meraih gelar sarjana dalam bidang jurnalistik dari University of Georgia dan M. F.A. Dalam penulisan kreatif dari Georgia State University. Kiersten Aschauer, Kontributor Penulis Seorang mantan direktur pemrograman dan penulis lepas, karya Kierstens telah terlihat dalam publikasi dari The Asian Wall Street Journal dan Boston Globe hingga Best Womens Travel Writing. Marshall Brain, Founder Marshall Brain adalah pendiri HowStuffWorks. Ia meraih gelar sarjana teknik elektro dari Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute dan gelar magister ilmu komputer dari North Carolina State University. Sebelum mendirikan HowStuffWorks, Marshall mengajar di jurusan sains komputer di NCSU dan menjalankan sebuah perusahaan pelatihan dan konsultasi perangkat lunak. Pelajari lebih lanjut di situsnya. Josh Briggs, Kontributor Penulis Awalnya dari California Utara, Josh meraih gelar sarjana dalam bidang jurnalisme cetak dari Georgia State University. Selain menulis untuk saluran otomatis di HowStuffWorks, Josh adalah editor olahraga The Covington News di pinggiran kota Atlanta. Nathan Chandler, Penulis Berkontribusi Nathan Chandler adalah seorang penulis lepas dan fotografer yang berkedudukan di Lincoln, Neb. Dia mendapatkan gelar B. A. Dari University of Northern Iowa, dan telah meneliti dan menulis tentang teknologi konsumen selama lebih dari 10 tahun. Tiffany Connors, Penulis Berkontribusi Tiffany Connors memegang sebuah B. S. Dalam jurnalisme dari Bowling Green State University. Selain menulis untuk HowStuffWorks, dia adalah editor blog televisi untuk New York Post. Deblina Chakraborty, Editor Berkontribusi Deblina Chakraborty memegang B. A. Dalam bahasa Inggris dari University of South Alabama dan M. A. dalam penerbitan dan penulisan dari Emerson College. Alison E. Cooper, Kontributor Penulis Alison Cooper memegang sebuah B. A. Dalam bahasa Inggris dari University of Richmond. Dave Coustan, Penulis Berkontribusi Dave Coustan memegang sebuah B. A. Dalam agama dari Universitas Columbia dan M. A. di media baru dari Emerson College. Stephanie Crawford, Kontributor Penulis Stephanie Crawford adalah seorang penulis teknis dari Raleigh, N. C. Dia memiliki gelar di bidang pendidikan matematika dan minor dalam pemrograman komputer dari North Carolina State University. Selama karirnya, Stephanie telah menjadi guru matematika sekolah menengah, instruktur dalam administrasi sistem Linux dan pengembang untuk kursus pelatihan teknis. Sarah Dowdey, Editor Kontributor Sarah Dowdey meraih gelar sarjana bahasa Inggris dari University of Georgia. Laurie L. Dove, Penulis Berkontribusi Laurie L. Dove memulai sebagai reporter surat kabar, lalu membangun karir sebagai jurnalis lepas dan editor untuk majalah nasional. Dia telah menjadi pemilik dan penerbit majalah dan koran, dan merupakan penulis beberapa buku. Dia memperoleh gelar sarjana di bidang Komunikasi Seni dengan penekanan Mass Media dari Bethel College di North Newton, Kan dan sedang mengejar gelar magister. Molly Edmonds, Kontributor Penulis Molly Edmonds meraih gelar sarjana dalam penulisan kreatif dan ilmu politik dari Emory University, di mana dia juga bekerja dalam bahasa Italia. Shanna Freeman, Penulis Berkontribusi Shanna Freeman adalah seorang penulis lepas dan mantan editor senior di HowStuffWorks. Dia memegang B. A. Dalam bahasa Inggris dari University of West Georgia. Craig C. Freudenrich, Ph. D. Kontributor Penulis Craig Freudenrich, Ph. D. Adalah penulis sains lepas dan mantan editor senior di HowStuffWorks. Dia mendapatkan B. A. Dalam biologi dari West Virginia University dan Ph. D. Dalam fisiologi dari University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine sebelum menyelesaikan delapan tahun penelitian postdoctoral di Duke University Medical Center. John Fuller, Editor Kontributor John Fuller meraih gelar sarjana bahasa Inggris dari University of Georgia, di mana dia juga bekerja dalam studi film. Nicholas Gerbis, Kontributor Penulis Nicholas Gerbis adalah seorang jurnalis sains independen, editor dan guru. Memperoleh gelar Master of Science di bidang geografi (klimatologi) dari University of Delaware dan gelar Master of Mass Communication (jurnalisme) dari Walter Cronkite School di Arizona State University. Dia saat ini adalah seorang profesor di University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, di mana dia mengajar kursus tentang sejarah sains dan fiksi ilmiah. Kristen Hall-Geisler, Penulis Berkontribusi Kristen Hall-Geisler telah menjadi jurnalis otomotif sejak tahun 2002 dan telah menulis tentang segala hal mulai dari balap mobil listrik sampai drive mobil eksotis sampai ke bagian dalam mesin yang rumit. Shes juga penulis buku Take the Wheel, sebuah panduan pembelian mobil untuk wanita, diterbitkan pada bulan September 2013. Ed Grabianowski, Penulis Kontributor Ed Grabianowski adalah seorang penulis lepas dari Buffalo, NY Dia sebelumnya bekerja sebagai reporter surat kabar dan bersekolah di SUNY Plattsburgh dan Kansas State University. Sarah Goddard, Penulis Berkontribusi Sarah Goddard memegang sebuah B. A. Dalam jurnalisme dari Georgia State University. Tom Harris, Penulis Berkontribusi Tom Harris memegang sebuah B. A. Dalam bahasa Inggris dari University of North Carolina di Chapel Hill. William Harris, Penulis Berkontribusi William Harris adalah seorang penulis lepas yang ditempatkan di dekat Washington, D. C. Ia meraih gelar sarjana di bidang biologi dari Virginia Tech dan gelar magister dalam pendidikan sains dari Florida State University. Jennifer Hord, Kontributor Penulis Jennifer Hord adalah direktur untuk penerbitan operasi untuk HowStuffWorks. Dia memegang gelar M. A. dalam bahasa Inggris dengan konsentrasi retorika dan komposisi dari University of South Florida. Jennifer Horton, Kontributor Penulis Jennifer Horton lulus dari Emory University, di mana dia mendapatkan gelar B. S. Dalam studi lingkungan. Alia Hoyt, Penulis Berkontribusi Alia Hoyt adalah seorang penulis lepas yang tinggal di Atlanta, Ga. Dia memegang gelar sarjana dalam bidang jurnalistik dengan jurusan hubungan masyarakat dari University of Georgia. Dia telah diterbitkan oleh outlet seperti CNN, Yahoo Shine, Animal Planet, TLC dan upwave. Matt Hunt, Kontributor Penulis Matt Hunt meraih gelar sarjana di bidang seni studio dari University of Georgia. Melissa Jeffries, Penulis Berkontribusi Melissa Jeffries meraih gelar sarjana dalam bidang jurnalistik dari University of Georgia. Dia bekerja sebagai penulis dan editor di New York dan Atlanta sebelum kembali ke sekolah untuk menjadi asisten dokter. Ryan Johnson, Editor Kontributor Ryan Johnson meraih gelar sarjana dalam bidang jurnalistik dari University of Georgia. Candace Keener, Editor Berkebun Candace Keener menerima gelar sarjana dari University of Georgia dalam bahasa Inggris dan gelar magisternya dari Wake Forest University dalam bahasa Inggris. Kate Kershner, Penulis Berkontribusi Kate Kershner memiliki gelar dalam penulisan kreatif dari Western Washington University. Patrick Kiger, Penulis Berkontribusi Patrick J. Kiger telah menulis untuk publikasi mulai dari GQ dan Mother Jones sampai Los Angeles Times. Dia juga seorang blogger untuk AARP, National Geographic News dan National Geographic Channel. Dari tahun 2007 sampai 2013 dia adalah seorang blogger untuk Science Channel. Dia juga adalah rekan penulis dua buku tentang budaya pop Amerika dan asal mula tren. Katie Lambert, Penulis Berkontribusi Katie Lambert meraih gelar sarjana bahasa Inggris dari University of Georgia. Cherise LaPine, Kontributor Penulis Cherise adalah seorang penulis lepas yang tinggal di Chicago dan meraih gelar sarjana dalam bidang jurnalistik dari Saint Michaels College Cameron Lawrence, Kontributor Penulis Cameron Lawrence memegang gelar B. A. Dalam penulisan kreatif dari University of Arizona. Julia Layton, Penulis Berkontribusi Julia Layton memegang gelar B. A. Dalam literatur bahasa Inggris dari Duke University dan M. F.A. Dalam penulisan kreatif dari University of Miami. Chanel Lee, Editor Kontributor Chanel Lee memegang gelar B. A. Dalam bahasa Inggris dari University of Virginia dan M. S. Dalam jurnalisme majalah dari Syracuse University. Jane McGrath, Penulis Berkontribusi Jane McGrath meraih gelar sarjana bahasa Inggris dari University of Maryland, College Park. Winifred Fordham Metz, Penulis Berkontribusi Winifred Fordham Metz adalah seorang pustakawan media yang memegang B. A. Dalam Sastra Inggris dan Master ilmu perpustakaan dari University of North Carolina di Chapel Hill. Gerri Miller, Kontributor Penulis Gerri Miller menulis dan melapor dari Los Angeles tentang selebriti, hiburan dan gaya hidup. Katherine Neer, Editor Berkontribusi Katherine Neer memegang gelar B. A. Dalam penelitian Afro-Amerika dan B. S. Dalam psikologi dari University of North Carolina di Chapel Hill dan Master of Library Science dari North Carolina Central University. Lee Ann Obringer, Penulis Berkontribusi Lee Ann Obringer meraih gelar sarjana dalam bidang jurnalistik dan periklanan dengan konsentrasi luar dalam pemasaran dari University of North Carolina di Chapel Hill. Selain menulis untuk HowStuffWorks, dia bekerja sebagai konsultan dan perancang komunikasi pemasaran freelance. Chris Opfer, Kontributor Penulis Chris Opfer adalah seorang jurnalis, pengacara dan penggemar grafiti kamar mandi yang tinggal di Washington D. C. Selain menulis untuk HowStuffWorks, juga meliput berita, bisnis, olahraga dan musik untuk berbagai publikasi cetak dan digital. John Perritano, Kontributor Penulis John Perritano adalah jurnalis pemenang penghargaan, penulis dan editor dari Southbury, Connecticut. Dia memegang gelar master dalam sejarah Amerika dari Western Connecticut State University. Chris Pollette, Editor Berkontribusi Chris Pollette memegang sebuah B. A. Dalam bahasa Inggris dari Rhodes College. John Postley, Penulis Berkontribusi John Postley adalah lulusan Vassar College dengan gelar dalam sejarah seni. Debra Ronca, Penulis Berkontribusi Debra Ronca memegang gelar B. A. Dalam bahasa Inggris dari The College of New Jersey. Dave Roos, Penulis Berkontribusi Dave Roos adalah seorang penulis lepas dan petani organik yang berbasis di Pittsburgh, Pa. Dia memegang B. A. Dalam agama dari Duke University. Meisa Salaita, Penulis Berkontribusi Meisa Salaita menerima gelar Ph. D. Dalam bidang kimia dari Universitas Northwestern. Selain perannya dalam menulis artikel sains, dia adalah salah satu pendiri the Atlanta Science Festival. Tom Scheve, Penulis Berkontribusi Tom Scheve adalah seorang penulis lepas yang tinggal di Asheville, N. C. Dia memiliki latar belakang dalam penerbitan surat kabar dan belajar bahasa Inggris dan Jurnalistik di University of Georgia dan East Tennessee State University. Jacob Silverman, Kontributor Penulis Jacob memegang sebuah B. A. Dalam bahasa Inggris dan menulis kreatif dari Emory University, di mana dia juga belajar bahasa Rusia dan sejarah. Jessika E. Toothman, Kontributor Penulis Jessika Toothman mengejar jurusan ganda dari Georgia State University, mendapatkan sebuah B. A. Dalam jurnalisme dan B. A. Dalam bahasa Spanyol dengan konsentrasi dalam bisnis internasional. Maria Trimarchi, Penulis Berkontribusi Maria Trimarchi meraih gelar sarjana bahasa Inggris dari Skidmore College. Robert Valdes, Penulis Berkontribusi Robert Valdes mempelajari filsafat dan agama di Flagler College. Victoria Vogt, Editor Berkontribusi Tori Vogt meraih gelar sarjana dalam bidang komunikasi dengan penekanan pada jurnalistik, hubungan masyarakat dan periklanan dari Temple University. Dia memegang gelar M. B.A. di bidang Akuntansi dari Grand Canyon University. Stephanie Watson, Kontributor Penulis Stephanie Watson memiliki gelar dalam komunikasi massa dari Universitas Boston. Dia telah menulis hampir dua lusin buku tentang berbagai topik, termasuk nutrisi, genetika dan lingkungan. Stephanie juga merupakan kontributor reguler beberapa publikasi kesehatan konsumen. Melanie Winderlich, Editor Berkontribusi Melanie Winderlich meraih gelar sarjana dalam bidang jurnalistik dari University of Arizona. Carrie Williford, Penulis Berkontribusi Carrie Williford meraih gelar sarjana bahasa Inggris dari University of North Carolina di Greensboro. Cetak x09x20quotx2011x20Septemberx202000.ltbrx20x2FgtHowStuffWorks. x20ampltx3Bhttpx3Ax2Fx2Fhowstuffworksx2Fabout-author. htmampgtx3Bx2026x20Februaryx202017 hrefCitation amp DateDalam sebuah laporan pada hari Rabu, 25 Januari, Google mengumumkan peraturan periklanan dan tautan yang meningkat ke situs web sekitar seminggu setelah Presiden Donald Trump berjanji untuk memotong peraturan Federal 75. Google Pasti sudah menduga bahwa jika administrasi Trump8217 tidak akan peduli sama sekali dengan administrasi Presiden Obama pada melindungi konsumen, maka hal itu akan meningkatkan usahanya untuk melindungi orang dari iklan yang tidak jujur ​​seperti skema penurunan berat badan, berita palsu, pinjaman bayar, porno , 8220trick-to-click8221 iklan dan banyak penipuan online lainnya. Pada 2016 Google menurunkan 1,7 miliar iklan yang melanggar pedoman dan kebijakan periklanannya. Jumlah ini naik dari 718 juta iklan Google yang turun pada tahun 2015. Selain iklan palsu, banyak situs berita palsu juga dilarang. Seringkali situs scam menggunakan nama domain 8220.co8221 alih-alih 82208221 dalam usaha mengelabui pembaca potensial. Menurut Recode: Juga di antara iklan yang dihapus itu yang disebut Google sebagai tabloid cloakers. Pengiklan ini menjalankan apa yang tampak seperti tautan ke tajuk berita utama, namun saat pengguna mengeklik, iklan untuk produk seperti suplemen penurunan berat akan muncul. Google menangguhkan 1.300 akun yang terlibat dalam penyelenggaraan tabloid pada tahun 2016. Jadi, ini adalah teriakan ke Google karena transparan dan mempublikasikan apa yang dilakukannya dalam hal pengaturan sendiri untuk melindungi konsumen. Saya yakin bahwa Google memahami bahwa lebih baik mengatur dirinya sendiri daripada meminta pemerintah untuk bertindak. Meskipun Google, melalui perusahaan induknya, Alphabet, memiliki salah satu, jika bukan organisasi pelobi terbesar di Washington, namun tetap perlu melindungi reputasinya dengan penggunanya, yang hampir seluruh populasi dunia bebas (blok pemerintah China Google) dan mengatur dirinya sendiri sebelum pemerintah, bahkan pemerintah Trump pun melakukannya. Saya terkejut bahwa situs yang menjual bir dan tembakau disertakan dalam daftar Konten8221 yang tidak dapat dilalui (situs tempat iklan Google tidak dapat ditempatkan). Situs yang menjual anggur dan sampanye tidak apa-apa. Meskipun perbedaan penerimaan antara bir dan anggur lolos dari saya, mungkin perbedaan ini mencerminkan cita-cita pendiri, Page, dan Brin Google. Namun demikian, Google memiliki kebijakan dan mempromosikannya. Facebook, di sisi lain, belum cukup transparan atau sama nyatanya tentang upayanya untuk melawan iklan palsu dan berita palsu. Ini mengumumkan pada bulan Desember bahwa mereka telah melakukan outsourcing penentuan berita palsu ke lima organisasi pihak ketiga: Snopes, PolitiFact, Factcheck. org, ABC News, dan Associated Press. Dan November lalu, Facebook mengumumkan bahwa situs berita palsu dilarang menggunakan Iklan Jaringan Pemirsa, namun pengumuman tersebut dilakukan tepat setelah Google mengumumkan kebijakan serupa. Google telah menjadi pemimpin proaktif dan transparan dalam usaha menyingkirkan iklan palsu dan berita palsu, Facebook telah menjadi pengikut berkerudung. Dengan harapan, Google terus menjadi lebih kuat dalam pengaturan diri dan bahwa Facebook terus mengikuti dan tidak dapat melakukannya. Google melakukan hal yang benar untuk penggunanya, dan diberi imbalan untuk itu di pangsa pasarnya sebesar 583,56 miliar (1252017) di NASDAQ, rekor tertinggi, dan pasar tertinggi kedua (ke Apple) di dunia. Kapitalisasi Facebook8217s adalah 378,9 miliar di NASDAQ, jadi harus mengejar Google. Dengan antusias saya menemani istri saya, Julia, ke Washington selama pekan terakhir ini untuk berpartisipasi dalam Million Women March, dan saya sangat senang karena ini adalah pengalaman yang mengasyikkan dan mengejutkan. Mengagumkan karena saya belum pernah melihat begitu banyak orang yang damai, ramah, gembira di satu tempat. Kami dikemas seperti sarden tersenyum di Metro dan di jalanan. Anehnya karena riasan dan mood keramaian. Riasan kerumunan itu luar biasa beragam, namun harmonis dari satu pikiran 8212 dan pikiran itu adalah perlawanan terhadap Presiden Trump dan perkataan, tindakan dan kebijakannya. Ada kontingen wanita dari Wellesley, Smith dan perguruan tinggi lainnya. Ada ibu dengan anak perempuan mereka yang masih muda, ada beberapa pria muda yang mendorong wanita tua di kursi roda dan ada sejumlah besar pria, suami, pacar, dan anak laki-laki dengan senang hati mendukung anak perempuan, istri, pacar, ibu dan nenek mereka. Itu menginspirasi. Suasana kerumunan yang saya lihat di Jalan S dan 3 S. Dan di dalam area beberapa blok terasa hangat, ramah dan menyenangkan. Pelanggan dan tanda-tandanya beragam seperti orang banyak, dan banyak dari mereka sangat lucu. Kadang aku merasa seperti kembali ke Burning Man, suasana yang tidak menghakimi, harmonis, menerima dan memberi suasana serupa. Julia mengagumi topi mandi yang dicat emas (8220kamar mandi) yang dipakai keluarga, dan salah satu pria dalam keluarga itu segera memberinya topi shower, yang dia kenakan pada hari 8212 itu hadiah seperti di Burning Man. Salah satu poster favorit saya (ada banyak di antaranya) adalah gambar besar (mungkin 48242 X 38242) yang memiliki citra Putri Leia dari Star Wars: Harapan Baru yang memegang blaster di atasnya dengan teks 8220WOMEN BELONG IN THE RESISTANCE8221 foto. Film-film Star Wars adalah serial film paling populer dalam sejarah film. Film terbaru dalam serial tersebut, Star Wars: Rogue One. Memiliki akhir pekan pembukaan rakasa bulan Desember 155 juta di Amerika Utara dan 135 juta di seluruh dunia untuk menjadikannya film terlaris kedua terbesar yang pernah dibuka pada bulan Desember, yang kedua setelah Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Pembukaan luar biasa ini benar-benar menggagalkan usaha kelompok sayap kanan di media sosial (DumpStarWars) untuk memboikot film tersebut, yang oleh konseptor konservatif konservatif Mark Dice disebut propaganda feminis. Pemandangan terakhir Rogue One menunjukkan citra CGI tentang Carrie Fisher saat Putri Leia melihat rencana yang dicuri dari Bintang Kematian tersebut dan berkata, "Saya menduga bahwa pesan dari 8220hope8221 ini mungkin telah mengilhami poster Putri Putri Leia di Million Women March. Yang tidak spekulasi adalah Donald Trump adalah presiden yang paling tidak populer dalam sejarah negara tersebut. Dan bertentangan dengan klaim presiden baru dan boneka kayunya (Pinocchio) Sean Spicer, orang banyak di Million Women8217s March jauh lebih besar daripada orang banyak pada pelantikan 458217. Oleh karena itu, referensi Star Wars dan pahlawan femininnya pada hari setelah peresmian 458217 ini sesuai karena menempatkan dalam konteks kontras antara kerumunan orang pada peresmian dan kerumunan yang memprotes keesokan harinya dan ini membedakan perbedaan antara perempuan Star Wars yang populer. Pahlawan dan presiden laki-laki yang tidak populer. Betapa memuaskannya bagi keluarga dan teman Carrie Fisher8217 yang karakter Star Wars-nya, Putri Leia, lebih populer daripada presiden Amerika Serikat dan karakter abadi Carrie8217 telah menjadi simbol perlawanan. Pembuatan dunia Star Wars milik George Lucas82 didorong oleh teknologi, grafis buatan komputer (CGI), yang mengubah cara pembuatan film. The Million Women8217s March juga didorong oleh teknologi. Tanpa kemampuan untuk mengkoordinasikan demonstrasi di seluruh dunia melalui Facebook, Twitter dan platform media sosial lainnya dan tanpa liputan media di seluruh dunia, sebuah demonstrasi di mana diperkirakan tiga juta peserta global, begitu banyak, begitu banyak orang tidak dapat berkumpul. Media, khususnya media sosial, membuat demonstrasi di seluruh dunia memungkinkan. Dan seperti yang ditulis Clay Shirky dalam bukunya yang memecahkan rekor, Here Comes Everybody. Sebuah revolusi dalam organisasi sosial telah dimulai, dan dalam hubungan dunia saat ini lebih penting daripada konten media, seperti yang diajukan dalam The Content Trap oleh Bharat Anand dari Harvard Business School. Donald Trump memanfaatkan revolusi ini dan koneksi langsung saat ia menggunakan Twitter untuk berkomunikasi langsung dengan Amerika tanpa filter media tradisional. Dia terhubung, tapi begitu juga mereka yang menentangnya. Oleh karena itu, teknologi komunikasi dan koneksi baru memotong dua arah, membantu kedua belah pihak. Dunia alternatif apa yang kebanyakan orang Amerika ingin hidup di dunia kemarahan Trump8217 yang suram, kebencian, Amerika pertama (dan satu-satunya) dan penghinaan perempuan atau dunia anti-otoritarianisme Star Wars yang tidak nyata, untuk menghormati keragaman, keadilan galaksi Dan pemberdayaan perempuan Kedua dunia tampak tidak nyata, adalah realitas pasca-realitas, dunia kebenaran alternatif di mana penjahat menjadi idola populer dan di mana kerajaan jahat memerintah. Kita tidak tahu akhir dari kedua cerita itu, tapi kita harus mengembangkan harapan baru bahwa perlawanan pada akhirnya akan menang. Namun, mungkin akan memakan waktu setidaknya empat tahun. Jika terlihat seperti bebek, berenang seperti bebek dan dukun seperti bebek, mungkin itu bebek. Dalam beberapa minggu terakhir, Facebook telah melakukan quacking seperti perusahaan media. Ini tidak merenggut tanggung jawabnya untuk mengendalikan kebohongan yang menyamar sebagai berita, dan ia meringkuk ke media berita tradisional yang mendistribusikan konten di platform Facebook yang masif. Facebook telah mempekerjakan Campbell Brown. Mantan jangkar CNN dan NBC, sebagai kepala kemitraan berita. Dalam mengumumkan bahwa dia bergabung dengan Facebook, Brown menulis. Saya akan bekerja sama langsung dengan mitra kami untuk membantu mereka memahami bagaimana Facebook dapat memperluas jangkauan jurnalisme mereka, dan memberi kontribusi pada bisnis mereka. Itu juga berarti memastikan ada umpan balik yang terus berlanjut dari penerbit saat Facebook mengembangkan produk dan alat baru untuk organisasi berita. Seminggu setelah mempekerjakan Brown, Facebook mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan mulai menayangkan iklan di tengah video (mid-roll) dan penjualan semua penerbit, yang merupakan perpecahan yang sama dengan yang ditawarkan YouTube8221 menurut Digiday. Namun, semua pertanggungjawaban jurnalistik yang bermaksud baik dan disambut baik ini tidak membuat Facebook menjadi perusahaan media. Ini jauh lebih dari itu. Facebook adalah platform seperti Microsoft8217s Windows, Amazon dan platform terbesar dari semuanya, Google. Meskipun Facebook dan Google didukung oleh iklan seperti perusahaan media seperti Comcast, Walt Disney Company, Time Warner, Twenty-First Century Fox, Google sendiri bernilai lebih (market cap) daripada semua perusahaan media yang disebutkan. Pada 12 Januari 2017, pangsa pasar Google8217s adalah 560,4 miliar dan tutup pasar Facebook8217s adalah 358,4 miliar. Satu-satunya perusahaan yang lebih berharga dari Google adalah Apple (635,9 miliar). Demi kepentingan perbandingan, perusahaan media tradisional terbesar adalah Comcast, yang memiliki pangsa pasar 171,10 miliar, sekitar 48 dari Google8217s. Pangsa pasar Disney8217s 170,5 miliar hanya 47,5 dari cap pasar Google8217s dan 21st Century Fox8217s (54,86 miliar) lebih dari dua kali pangsa pasar CBS8217 (26,93 miliar), yang berarti Google lebih dari 20 kali lebih berharga daripada CBS dan Facebook lebih banyak daripada 13 kali lebih berharga dari CBS. Dan ukuran khalayak yang dapat dijangkau pemasar melalui Google dan kerdil Facebook, khalayak yang tersedia di media tradisional sampai tingkat yang sama seperti perbedaan dalam cap pasar mereka. Mengapa pemasar dan pemasang iklan mengalihkan sebagian besar investasi periklanan mereka dari media tradisional ke Google dan Facebook Karena kemampuan penargetan iklan online yang tepat. Ketika pengiklan (termasuk kandidat politik) berinvestasi dalam iklan di media tradisional seperti TV, mereka membeli konten yang mereka anggap mencapai khalayak yang ingin mereka capai pada tahun 8212 mereka membeli berita untuk orang tua yang berpendidikan lebih baik, misalnya. Dengan iklan digital, pengiklan tidak membeli konten yang mereka beli tayangan individual dan mereka membeli tayangan ini secara terprogram secara real time. Dengan demikian, Campbell Brown tidak harus menangani pembelian individu dari penerbit berita atau pengiklan. Sebagai gantinya, dia mendidik mereka mengenai keuntungan dan manfaat penerbitan atau iklan di Facebook dan kemudian mereka melakukan pekerjaan untuk menempatkan pesanan dan mengelola akun mereka secara terprogram, komputer ke komputer di Jaringan Pemirsa Facebook. Selain mengotomatisasi proses jual beli iklan, Facebook dan Google, sebagai produsen platform dan bukan konten (perusahaan media atau berita), tidak perlu menerima panas, hinaan dan amarah dari presiden yang memilih media dan preman persnya. Dalam iklim anti-media saat ini yang berasal dari Trump Tower dan segera dari Gedung Putih, organisasi apa yang ingin diberi label sebagai perusahaan media Bawa platform. Presiden terpilih Donald Trump akan terus menjadi Produser Eksekutif program realitas prime time NBC 8220The Celebrity Apprentice, 8221 yang akan kembali 2 Januari setelah berada di luar lapangan udara selama dua tahun dan akan menampilkan host baru, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Ketika saya membaca pengumuman ini, saya diingatkan pada Kaisar Charles-Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, Napoleon III, yang pernah memproklamirkan, 8220 Salah satu tugas pertama seorang berdaulat adalah menghibur rakyatnya dari semua tingkatan dalam skala sosial.8221 Menurut Ross King , Penulis buku hebat The Judgment of Paris: Dasawarsa Revolusi yang Memberikan Impresionisme Dunia: Jika subjek Louis-Napoleon dapat dihibur, dia beralasan, maka mungkin mereka akan gagal memperhatikan atau memperhatikan fakta bahwa sebagian besar kebebasan mereka Telah lenyap. Bagaimanapun, inilah orang yang telah menekan sebuah pemberontakan di Aljazair pada tahun 1856 dengan mengirimkan pesulap Robert Houdin ke Aljir untuk men-bamboozle penduduk setempat dengan repertoar trik menakjubkan ini, termasuk rutin pengambilan barang 8220bullet yang terkenal. Dan apa yang dilakukan pada orang-orang Aljazair yang tidak dapat diatur juga, Louis-Napoleon berharap, bekerja untuk orang Prancis yang tidak bisa diatur. Sementara Presiden terpilih Trump belum menindas wartawan dan melarang pers untuk mempublikasikan komentar atau gambar negatifnya seperti yang Louis-Napoleon lakukan, saya tidak ragu lagi bahwa dia ingin mengalihkan perhatian publik dari isu-isu seperti lingkungan, konflik Minat dan pemilihan petugas kabinet yang tidak berkualifikasi, dan untuk menjaga selebriti, status bintang dan citra bintangnya dengan penggemar dan pengikut intinya. Juga, seperti yang John Cassidy tunjukkan dalam artikelnya di New Yorker. Trump ingin memiliki kue dan memakannya juga menguasai negara tersebut dan terlibat dalam bisnisnya. Trump telah mengatakan bahwa dia tidak akan terlibat dalam membuat keputusan mengenai Celebrity Apprentice dan bahwa judul Produser Eksekutif hanya mewakili perkembangan pertunjukan dan kepentingan finansialnya di dalamnya. Dari perspektif Trump8217, tidak ada konflik kepentingan. Dia akan semakin kaya dan penggemarnya akan mencintainya. Dalam hal bisnis jaringan TV dan nilai etika saat ini, NBC tampaknya tidak melihat ada yang salah dengan presiden Amerika Serikat yang terdaftar sebagai produser eksekutif di salah satu program hiburan mereka. Namun, menurut saya NBC harus diperhatikan. Ingat CEO CBS8217s Les Moonves8217s tentang kampanye Donald Trump8217 itu mungkin tidak baik untuk orang Amerika, tapi itu sangat bagus untuk CBS.8221 Itu juga sikap CNN, MSNBC, Fox News 8212 mendapatkan peringkat dari mencakup Trump terlepas dari apakah itu bagus? Untuk negara Keuntungan sebelum pelayanan publik. Julian Goodman adalah Presiden NBC dari tahun 1966-1974, dan telah keluar dari divisi berita. Di bawah kepemimpinan Goodman8217, NBC mengembangkan Laporan Huntley-Brinkley dengan nilai tinggi yang menampilkan John Chancellor, yang pada tahun 1970 menjadi satu-satunya jangkar dari NBC Nightly News yang bergilir, diikuti oleh Tom Brokaw. Goodman, Huntley, Brinkley, Kanselir dan Brokaw adalah orang jurnalis siaran kuno yang, seperti pesaing mereka di CBS News, Edward R. Murrow, Eric Sevareid dan Walter Cronkite, merasa bahwa berita siaran adalah layanan publik, kepercayaan publik. Baru pada tahun 1986 ketika GE membeli NBC dan Larry Tisch mengambil alih jabatan sebagai CEO CBS (setelah membeli 24,9 saham CBS8217), kedua jaringan tersebut8217 divisi berita harus menghasilkan keuntungan. Gagasan tentang program berita yang menghasilkan keuntungan telah menjadi ancaman bagi William S. Paley dan Robert Sarnoff, pendiri CBS dan NBC, yang sama-sama memandang divisi berita mereka sebagai permata mahkota pelayanan publik yang membantu mereka menyimpan lisensi radio dan TV mereka yang berharga. Yang dikeluarkan oleh FCC untuk memenuhi kepentingan umum, kenyamanan dan kebutuhan.8221 Saya tidak percaya bahwa jika Julian Goodman, David Brinkley, atau Chet Huntley, atau John Chancellor, atau Tom Brokaw atau intelektual dan publik-servicepublic-trust oriented Penerus masih menjalankan NBC bahwa mereka akan setuju untuk membawa sebuah program yang salah satu produsen eksekutifnya adalah presiden Amerika Serikat. Oleh karena itu, saya tidak menyalahkan Donald Trump karena telah mengambil uang produsen eksekutif yang saya salahkan NBC untuk memberikannya kepadanya. NBC is helping Trump entertain the public and divert their attention from important issues. On the other hand, NBC carries Saturday Night Live and Alex Baldwin8217s devastatingly satirical impression of our future president, so maybe the scale is somewhat balanced. Facebook8217s co-founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, has come under intense scrutiny and criticism since the election, largely because of the prevalence of fake news on his social platform that some critics are claiming helped Donald Trump get elected. Zuckerberg8217s initial response to concerns about fake news was in a Nov. 12 post on Facebook in which he wrote that Facebook is a technology company, not a media company. He also wrote that it was up to users to decide what news to follow and that it is a crazy idea that Facebook influenced the election. The notion that Facebook is a technology company, not a media company, is nonsense. It8217s fake news. Zuckerberg is no dummy. He took the idea of a digitized facebook from some Harvard classmates and was good enough at coding to put one up on Harvard8217s servers. As Picasso said, 8220bad artists copy good artists steal.8221 Zuckerberg was smart enough to get into Harvard, smart enough to take a good idea and smart enough to continue innovating at his new company to leave Friendster and MySpace in the dust. But when the company became successful Zuckerberg didn8217t want to admit that Facebook was a media company, even though he eventually managed it like other media companies are managed, i. e. to maximize advertising revenue. At the beginning of Facebook, Zuckerberg didn8217t like advertising because he thought it hurt the product. However, he soon learned, like Larry Page and Sergey Brin learned at Google, that users weren8217t going to pay for the service, so in order to grow he had to accept advertising. Advertising revenue is like heroin. Once you try it for a while, the highs become addictive. Zuckerberg became addicted to advertising revenue, but because he was a new player in the game, he thought he could deny being in the media business and being addicted to ad revenue. He talked a good game, a game that would inspire the troops at Facebook, appease its users and distract investors. He said Facebook8217s mission was to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected, which is a lot more noble than admitting its mission is to maximize advertising revenue and profit. Wealth is even more addictive than heroin. William S. Paley didn8217t start CBS to serve the public with a truthful news source and create a community-focused discourse on important issues. Paley, like president-elect Trump, went to the undergraduate Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and, also like Trump, founded his company with the goal of getting rich. Why else would you go to business school But Paley realized that the biggest profits were not in owning a network that packaged programs and shared advertising revenue with affiliates, but in owning radio and then TV stations. The problem with owning radio and TV stations is that you have to get a license from the federal government (from the FCC) to use public airwaves and to get those licenses, you have to agree to serve the 8220public good convenience and necessity.8221 Therefore, Paley realized that the No. 1 priority of radio and TV station managers was to keep their licenses, so it was in his economic interests to serve the public interest by providing news, public affairs programming, editorial writers and community affairs directors at the CBS-owned radio and TV stations. But Paley and other broadcasters, through the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), lobbied hard (and expensively) to get the FCC rules changed so that being fair (the Fairness Doctrine abolished in 1986) or providing meaningful public service was thrown in the trash heap of good intentions. Bring on Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and now fake news. These changes in regulation brought about a revolution in the media. Neither cable television nor the internet require a government license, so the concept of public service didn8217t apply. Cable TV became the uncensored, unregulated home of indecency, advocacy news and pornography, all driven by an addiction to advertising revenue. The internet was driven by the same uncensored, unregulated content and addiction. But there is some hope, some ethical light at the end of the tunnel. In 1974 eroticist Al Goldstein put his Screw Magazine on cable TV, and it t soon became Midnight Blue . Eventually, the repulsiveness of Midnight Blue, Screw Magazine and other porn became obvious to viewers. The novelty wore off and they died without advertisers or viewers. This election that spotlighted the obscenity of fake news might just be enough to kill it too. Mark Zuckerberg has now announced that Facebook will try to do something to censor fake news by cutting off the reason for its existence 8212 advertising revenue. The teenage Macedonians and Filipinos who created the fake news didn8217t care who was elected in the U. S. they cared about the advertising revenue. By admitting that Facebook would cut off the ad revenue to fake news sites, Zuckerberg was admitting that Facebook is a media company, that it isn8217t amoral and that serving the public interest matters. Welcome to the traditional media world, Mark. President-elect Donald Trump8217s meetings8211one with TV network news executives and anchors, another with New York Times executives and columnists8211highlights a tectonic power shift in the media. One thing that was telling about the Monday meeting with TV executives and anchors from CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC, who were summoned to Trump Tower in Manhattan, was the timing. The off-the-record meeting, which was described as a 8220fing firing squad8221 by the New York Post was held in the afternoon after the Trump team had posted a two-and-a-half-minute 8220infomercial-style 8221 video on YouTube. In the video, Trump lays out his agenda for his first 100 days in office and pledges to create jobs, renegotiate trade agreements, put in effect bans on lobbying and end restrictions on energy production. In other words, Trump went OTT (over the top) of the TV networks and spoke directly to the American people, as his predecessor, President Barack Obama, had done on occasion. The intended message to the TV networks and to the American audience was, 8220I don8217t need the TV networks to communicate with the people. I can use social media platforms on the internet.8221 He thus threw a spotlight on the shift of media power from linear TV to the random-access and immediate, on-demand-access content distributed on the internet. Then, when he faced the TV network executives and anchors, including Wolf Blitzer, Lester Holt, David Muir and Gayle King, he could call them 8220liars, the deceitful, dishonest media who got it all wrong ,8221 and they had to swallow it because they had agreed the meeting was off the record. None of them had their video cameras hot for a live shot or a tidy two-minute video story to present. They were powerless. They probably didn8217t know what Trump knew 8212 that they had been disintermediated by technology, the internet and social media. The next day, Tuesday, unfolded in typically bizarre Trump fashion by the President-elect tweeting in the morning that he was cancelling a planned meeting at the New York Times with Times executives and columnists, then changing his mind, and going ahead with the mid-day meeting. The Times meeting was structured differently than the meeting with the network TV people in that there was an off-the-record segment and an on-the record segment. The Times had the power to have Trump come to the Times and agree to make part of the conversation on the record, which had to add even more humiliation to the network TV attendees and remind them of their diminished power. It8217s also telling that the Times live-tweeted the part of the Trump conversation that was on the record, and, guess what, Trump was respectful and cordial. According to the Times8217 tweets, Trump said he respected the newspaper. Times media correspondent Mike Grynbaum tweeted, 8220 Donald Trump on The New York Times: 8216I do read it. Unfortunately. Id live about 20 years longer if I didnt.8221 The fact that the Times was doing real-time coverage of its conversation with Trump using a social media platform on the internet that readers could access as it was happening reinforced the power shift to digital news from old-fashioned, linear-accessed TV news that must occur in a studio or live with intrusive camera crews with reporters in make up. No wonder the Times picked up 41,000 digital subscriptions after the election. Intelligent readers know where the news power resides. Donald Trump won the presidential election without much help from the traditional press. Of the 45 major newspapers in the country, only one 8212 the Las Vegas Review-Journal . owned by casino magnate Sheldon Adelson 8212 endorsed Trump. The New York Times and the Washington Post endorsed Clinton, and USA Today endorsed 8220not Trump.8221 Trump vilified 8220the media,8221 especially the New York Times and the Washington Post during his campaign, and the next evening after he won, he dodged the press when he went out to dinner. He essentially said to the press corps, 8220you8217re fired,8221 like he used to snarl to losing applicants on his NBC TV prime-time reality shows The Apprentice and The Celebrity Apprentice. The press was outraged that Trump didn8217t play by what they thought were the rules. On Thursday, Nov.17, the Poynter website featured a story titled 8220Journalism organizations call on Trump to up hold traditions of White House coverage8221: Eighteen journalism associations penned an open letter to President-elect Donald Trump Wednesday that requests a full press pool. regular press conferences and a more responsive approach to fulfilling freedom of information act requests. The letter, which calls Trump 8220the new leader of the free world8221 was signed by the American Society for News Editors, The National Press Club, Reporters Without Border and The Regional Reporters Association, among others. Committee to Protect Journalists, which also signed the letter, said in October that Trump threatened press freedoms . Does the press really think Trump is going to snuggle up to them after they were so wrong in their predictions and after trashing him day in and day out during the campaign (not that he didn8217t deserve some of it) In the Nov. 15 podcast of NPR8217s Hidden Brain host Shankar Vedantam talks with historian Allan Lichtam who developed a 13-point model, which he calls 822013 keys,8221 that he has used to predict correctly the last nine presidential elections, including predicting a Trump win. In the podcast Lichtam said the press didn8217t get the story of the election right because the coverage was 8220lazy and misleading.8221 Lichtam said that 8220reporters didn8217t have to get out of bed to write about the polls.8221 They didn8217t get out of their urban enclaves and talk to Trump supporters, who the reporters must have thought were 8220deplorables.8221 After all, the majority of reporters (except most of those with Fox News and Brietbart News) are Democrats. Lazy is a pretty good way to describe much of the press coverage of Trump. Many of the newspaper, magazine and online news reporters and TV hosts, like Megyn Kelly, are part of the elite, self-absorbed celebrity class. Walk though the newsroom of the New York Times . the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, Time, the New Yorker or The Atlantic and you8217ll run into scads of graduates from the the top three journalism schools (Missouri, Northwestern and Columbia) and Ivy Leaguers. They are not deplorables. Also, TV news outlets such as CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox News gave Trump lots of free attention. Trump is smart enough to know that to a politician, like to a startup, as quoted from Antonio Garcia Martinez best-selling new book, Chaos Monkeys , media attention is like sex. There are two types: good and better. He certainly knew the old adage about publicity: 8220I don8217t care what they say about me as long as they spell my name right.8221 And 8220Trump8221 is easy to spell. Trump8217s relationship with the press reminds me of the myth of Echo and Narcissus recently featured on the Daily Art app: 8220Punished by a goddess for her constant chatter, Echo was confined to repeating the words of others. Enamored with Narcissus8230 she tried to win his love using fragments of his own speech but he spurned her attention.8221 As we know, Narcissus saw his reflection in a river and fell in love with himself. 8220It8217s the same old story, a fight for love and glory82308221 8220Men with nothing to lose will stop at nothing to win8221 is a quote from a brilliant book, Chaos Monkeys . by Antonio Garcia Martinez. The author was writing about entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, but when I read the line over this past weekend weekend I had an 8220ah-ha8221moment. President-elect Trump. I8217m an eighty-something, preppie, Ivy League, ex media executive and former journalism professor who lives in the Upper East Side of Manhattan who supported first Elizabeth Warren, then Bernie Sanders and finally Hillary Clinton. I also teach a graduate Media Ethics course at the New School in New York. It would be hard to find a more blue-blooded, liberal, bubble-wrapped elitist who up until Tuesday evening was confident Hillary Clinton had a lock on the election. When Trump won, I was shocked, shocked that democracy was going on in America. Having spent my life selling, managing and teaching about the media, I thought I understood the media and how it had been manipulated, hijacked and exploited by Donald Trump, but two quotes from Chaos Monkeys were epiphanies: 8220To a startup, media attention is like sex. There are two types: good 8230 and better8221 and 8220Men with nothing to lose will stop at nothing to win.8221 I realized that the media was a partner in the election of Donald Trump. First, let8217s put the definition of 8220the media8221 in perspective. It is as broad as the definition of 8220the American people.8221 The media is an amorphous, general, broad categorization that has vastly different meanings to different people. The media to an Ivy League Upper East Sider in Manhattan might consist of the New York Times, NPR, The Atlantic and FORBES. To a working-class electrician in Ohio the media might be Country Music radio station TheBull (106.1) , BuzzFeed and Breitbart News on Facebook. The media has as many different meanings as there are people who listen, read, watch or use it. Media consumption is fragmented and polarized. People like their favorite radio station, but hate 8220the media,8221 which is a pejorative term that means 8220messages that don8217t reflect my bias.8221 Some Ohioans may read the Youngstown Vindicator, but not read the New York Times and perceive it to be 8220the liberal media8221 that did not support their candidate, which makes them hate the NYT and, by association, hate 8220the media.8221 Donald Trump played on this media hatred and gave the haters what they wanted, vitriol against 8220the media,8221 among other targets of his verbal kicks and punches. Many pundits and critics of the media also faulted 8220the media8221 for its horse race-esque coverage of the primaries and the election. Many people blamed 8220the media8221 for caring more about who has ahead than about who had ideas of substance. These critics were right. The media did cover the primaries and election like they were a race or a game, but the media got the game wrong. The election was not a horse race, which has written rules. In California. for example, 8220interference8221 is defined as 8220bumping, impeding, forcing, floating in or out or otherwise causing any other horse to lose stride, ground, momentum or position. Even the UFC8217s ultimate fighting game has rules: No head butting, no eye gouging, no biting, no hair pulling, no fish hooking and no groin attacks of any kind. Remember in the 1969 film Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid when Butch (Paul Newman) said before a pending knife fight, 8220Not until me and Harvey get the rules straightened out8221 and Harvey said, 8220Rules In a knife fight No rules8221 In politics there are no rules except the Constitutional right to free speech. This election was a knife fight. Trump knew that and Clinton didn8217t. Butch Cassidy won the fight by kicking Harvey in the groin before the fight started and won. There were no rules. Trump kicked his primary opponents and Clinton in the groin after the fight started and won. Trump broke all the rules that his opponents and the majority of mainstream media outlets assumed existed in politics. Trump8217s opponents and the media were wrong. In politics there are no rules. It8217s a knife fight, and Trump, who was already a celebrity and a multi-billionaire, had nothing to lose, so stopped at nothing to win. The NBC News division of Comcast - owned NBCUniversal had no choice but to appoint Lester Holt to replace the suspended Brian Williams on the top-rated NBC Nightly News, and by doing so it painted itself into the right corner. Holt will be the first African-American sole anchor of a major broadcast networks early news program, and thats good. Appointing Holt was the right thing to do because Holt had been Brian Williamss regular backup for several years and was the obvious choice. Unlike CBS News that cynically hired Katie Couric to anchor its evening newscast primarily because she was a woman, not because she was a qualified journalist, NBC News promoted Holt because he was the best person for the job, not because of his gender or race. NBC had its eye on merit, not necessarily the ratings. Also, there would have been a huge outcry, led by MSNBCs own Al Sharpton, if Holt hadnt gotten the job. NBC would have been accused, and rightly so, of racism if they had not upped Holt. And now NBC is stuck with Holt for the same reason even though the ratings of the Nightly News will probably go down for several reasons. First, the odds of any network evening news program staying number one forever are slim. Second, it is no secret that there is still racial prejudice and that there are people who will switch newscasts because of Holts color. Third, an anchorperson is not the only contributing factor to why people watch an evening network newscast. ARampD, a major local TV station news consultancy, made a presentation at which I was present several years ago about the elements that contributed to a newscasts success. There were 150 of them, and the anchor or anchors was only one of the factors, and not the top one. Media researchers know this fact, but the media generally dont. The media tend to simplify the highly complicated question of what makes a newscast number one, and they tend to attribute ratings success primarily to the anchor. The networks should be so lucky that it was as simple as hiring a charismatic news reader. What Lester Holt has going for him is habit. Habit is the most important factor in a news programs rating success. Also, Holt is very good at what he does reading the news and hes a solid reporter and journalist. What Holt has against him is that NBC Newss reporters and producers are not as strong as they used to be. The other 149 factors are not under his control and are weaker than those at ABC, as demonstrated by the fact that ABCs Good Morning America took over the ratings lead from NBCs Today in the summer of 2012 and is still in the lead. It seems inevitable that ABC Newss know-how will take hold at its World News Tonight, and the ratings trends are starting to show ABC catching up, even before Williams was suspended. My heart goes out to Lester Holt, a solid professional who deserves to sit in the NBC Nightly News anchor chair, but who will blamed for an inevitable decline in the ratings that will have nothing to do with his competency or merit. Im also glad that Im not NBC or Comcast trying to deal with the situation at the same time that it is trying to convince the FCC and the Justice Department that its good for the country to allow it to purchase Time Warner Cable . But that is another story. In the meantime, Holt is competently doing his job in the corner hes in. Go Lester On September 15, I sent the following email to my children and my six oldest grandchildren: I was watching NFL Football on Sunday, as is my habit, but in the Jets-Packers game, after an ugly fight in the end zone, I realized that the rage and violence was out of hand and that I was guilty of supporting this culture of violence by watching it. Fifty years ago I quit smoking when I realized that it could kill me, which meant I would never see my three (at that time) beautiful children again. Thirty-five years ago I stopped drinking because I was recovering from hepatitis. When I had a glass of wine, it hurt me it was agonizing and I once again decided that I wanted to live to see my kids grow up. Yesterday I stopped watching and supporting NFL football because I dont want my grandsons and granddaughters to be exposed to that kind of violence. If there is any fighting in their lives, I want it to be the gentle, fun, highly choreographed dance that Amaqui, Kai and Abe three of my grandchildren did in Aphrodite and the Alien a 2:46-minute video spoof. I urge you to read this blog post by my friend, the psychiatrist Justin Frank, the author of Bush on the Couch and Obama on the Couch. The post is titled Facing Facts. And I hate to do this, Chris my son, because I know how much you love the Patriots, but I urge all of you not to watch NFL football and to stop supporting a culture of violencefor the sake of my children, my grandchildren and your own humanity. In an Op-Ed piece in the NY Times titled Punishment of Child Abuse that ran on September 17, Michael Eric Dyson. a professor of sociology at Georgetown University. in reference to NFL star running back Adrian Peterson s indictment for reckless or negligent injury to a child, wrote: The lash of the plantation overseer fell heavily on children to whip them into fear of white authority. Terror in the field often gave way to parents beating black children in the shack, or at times in the presence of the slave owner in forced cooperation to break a rebellious childs spirit. Black parents beat their children to keep them from misbehaving in the eyes of whites who had the power to send black youth to their deaths for the slightest offense. Today, many black parents fear that a loose tongue or flash of temper could get their child killed by a trigger-happy cop. They would rather beat their offspring than bury them. In the NY Times September 18, Book Review section, Anand Girdharads wrote a review of Jeff Hobbs new book : The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace seeks answers in the true story of two men, reared in the same mostly black, mostly luckless neighborhood, whose trajectories spectacularly diverge. One man is Shawn, born to a sweet-talking, drug-pushing father named Skeet, who tries to keep his son from books, fearing they will make him too soft for a hard world. Instead, Skeet teaches Shawn how to fight, intimidate, know everyone on avenues where its lethal not to. In luckless, poverty-stricken, tough urban ghettos, fighting and violence are ingrained in the culture violence is taught to children and in many cases this violence and abusing (and abusive) behavior is ingrained in a childs personality and soul by brutal punishment. But what can those of us who have not been brought up with violence and abuse and who are privileged, white, upper-middle class and secure do to help reduce the violence and systematic abuse of children and women We dont have a Harry Potter magic wand that we can wave to reduce violence in our society. But we can do what concerned, fed-up citizens have done for eons protest. Civil disobedience. Stop obeying bad laws Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King taught us how to do that and stop supporting a sport that teaches (bounty on hurting quarterbacks), accepts (minor punishments for sexual and child assault) and even encourages soul-shrinking violence. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Uplift your own sense of humanity, agape and compassion. Stop watching NFL football. Guest Blogger, Bruce Braun writes: I8217ve been a fan of the NFL since childhood, but no longer. It is not because the 49er8217s charge 117 a pop for one ticket and parking can easily be 50. Violence on the field is one thing, but that is where it should stop. Ray Rice has become a metaphor for the daily violence we see in our country. Tolerance has effectively become tacit license by the NFL management and owners for players to commit crimes off the field. Sit out a few games, pay a fine No big deal when you are being paid 10M a year. 8220I was drunk, lost my head, but I now see the error of my transgressions and promise to not do it again.8221 Bullshit Enough is enough. In every other profession, new hires are subject to reference checks, applications inquire if the applicant has ever been arrested or convicted of felonies, etc. Why not the NFL If Roger and the owners were really concerned about players being arrested, charged or convicted, consideration ought to be given to a more comprehensive screening of players before hiring them. Cops have to pass psychological and criminal background checks, government security clearances draw similar scrutiny. I submit the following for just the last 12 months that should prove sufficient for more screening than just playing ability. My source is utsandiegonflarrests-database. Ray McDonald, defensive tackle, San Francisco 49ers. Arrested Aug. 31 on suspicion of felony domestic violence in San Jose, Calif. Greg Hardy, defensive end, Carolina Panthers. Arrested May 13 on two misdemeanor charges after he allegedly assaulted and threatened his ex-girlfriend. Ray Rice, running back, Baltimore Ravens. Arrested and charged Feb. 15 after striking his then-fiancee, Janay Palmer, in an Atlantic City casino elevator. A. J. Jefferson, cornerback, Minnesota Vikings. Arrested and charged Nov. 25, 2013 with one felony count of domestic violence following a fight with his girlfriend. Daryl Washington, linebacker, Arizona Cardinals. Arrested May 3, 2013 for assault after an argument with his ex-girlfriend in her Phoenix apartment. Amari Spievey, safety, Detroit Lions. Arrested March 26, 2013 for third-degree assault, risk of injury to a child, disorderly conduct after a child-support argument in Middleton, Conn. his hometown. Michael Boley, linebacker, New York Giants. Arrested Feb. 8, 2013 on child abuse charges in Etowah County, Ala. three days after being cut by the team. Leroy Hill, linebacker, Seattle Seahawks. Arrested Jan. 29, 2013 on two felony counts of domestic violence after an incident with his girlfriend in his Issaquah home. Chris Rainey, running back, Pittsburgh Steelers. Arrested Jan. 10, 2013 and charged with misdemeanor simple battery after an altercation with his girlfriend in Gainesville, Fla. Robert Sands, defensive back, Cincinnati Bengals. Arrested Jan. 4, 2013 and charged with fourth-degree assault after an altercation with his wife in their Florence, Ky home. Bryan Thomas, linebacker, New York Jets. Arrested Oct. 31, 2012 and charged with aggravated assault of his wife and drug charges in Randolph, N. J. And recently, we read Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson beat his 4-year-old son with a tree branch as a form of punishment this summer, an incident that allegedly resulted in multiple injuries to the child. According to reports, Peterson has been indicted in Montgomery County, Texas for injury to a child. What about former New England Patriot, Arron Hernandez who is currently being held without bail following his indictment on three murder charges Would Michael Vick be playing in the NFL today if TMZ had broadcast video of his tossing cash bets as dogs tore each other apart I can8217t fathom any corporation with an employee arrest record like the NFL. How many companies would continue to employ persons exhibiting behaviors such as those above Only a zero-tolerance policy on assaults, battery, drugs, drunk driving, weapons charges, and domestic violence will ever send the proper message to players. Game suspensions and fines don8217t cut it. We should keep in mind the League enjoys an anti-trust exemption that enables individual teams to not compete for TV revenues with other teams, that it has benfitted hugely by taxpayer bonds to fund stadiums and their improvements, that it is the beneficiary of numerous federal state and city taxes and that it has misrepresented the seriousness of brain concussions for years until very recently, like this week. Football has become a game in which millions live out their fantasies of 8220killing the opposition8221, has become too powerful and too violent and is becoming a metaphor for American ignorance and aggression. What say you Roger, other than using terms like ambiguous On Tuesday, August 5, Gannett announced it was spinning off its publishing business, consisting of USA Today, 81 daily newspapers and the British news company Newsquest. The new spinoff newspaper company will keep the Gannett name. The company that will own Gannetts television stations and digital assets doesnt have a name yet, but will consist of 46 stations, including the Belo stations, which Gannett purchased last year for 1.5 billion. The new broadcasting company will be the largest group of TV stations in the top 25 markets. Gannetts response seemed like a knee-jerk reaction to the Tribune Company and E. W. Scripps Company doing the same thing spinning off its newspapers and keeping its TV stations in a separate company. And several weeks before these two spinoffs, Time Warner spun off its huge magazine businesses, including Time, People, Fortune and Sports Illustrated, into a stand-alone print business and kept its content-creation and distribution businesses, Warner Bros. HBO and Turner Cable channels. All of these spinoffs were justified based on maximizing shareholder value. TV stations and cable channels rake in gobs of money and are highly profitable. Newspapers and magazines are slowly bleeding to death as readers move from paper to mobile screens and as advertisers inevitably follow this audience diaspora (and pay less for the corresponding mobile ads). But when the notion of maximizing shareholder value is bandied about, we have to ask who are the shareholders that are demanding more value, which really means a higher stock price. Todays shareholders are not individuals, but are huge institutional investors, such as pension funds, mutual funds and hedge funds that all demand outsized returns. They have a Wall-Street-Gordon-Gekko-greed-is-good mentality. In the good old days (ahh, nostalgia) most newspaper and many magazine owners thought of their publications as delivering useful, important news and information to serve the public good, convenience and necessity, and were typically guided by the tenants of responsible journalism as well as, and often before, profits. What seems to have happened in the four recent spinoffs is that the media companies involved have spun off anything that smacks of public service. Separate the profits from the journalism keep the state, throw away the church. Wall Street, 4 Public Service, 0. But wait. There is hope. One counter trend to the Wall-Street-greed-is-good approach is reflected in Jeff Bezos buying the Washington Post, and there are indications that the WAPO is scurrying to catch up digitally and continue to serve a more mobile public. And BuzzFeed and The Huffington Post have hired responsible investigative journalists and are publishing responsible, in-depth journalistic reports to intersperse with their click-bait content. Another counter trend is the rise of B corporations, as reported by James Surowiecki in the August 4, issue of The New Yorker. The B in B corporations stands for benefits, and the firms are for-profit companies that pledge to achieve social goals as well as business ones. (Id link to the The New Yorker article, but you cant get in unless you subscribe, so I dont bother.) Warby Parker, Patagonia, Etsy, and Seventh Generation are examples of B corporations, of which there are currently over 1,000, and are allowed by law in 27 states. The rise of B corporations is a reminder that the idea that corporations should be only lean, mean, profit-maximizing machines isnt dictated by the inherent nature of capitalism, let alone human nature. As individuals, we try to make our work not just profitable but also meaningful. It may be time for more companies to do the same. I would add one word to the last sentence: It may be time for more media companies to do the same. But what are the odds that the old-line media moguls such as Murdock, Redstone, Moonves, Roberts, Bewkes, or Iger will get a sudden public service urge or that the Wall Street owners of their companies stock will allow them to achieve social goals as well as business ones. Dont hold your breath. Cabin-Aire Aire-Kraft Inc, Washington PA. OHS-3 aka DeLloyd Monoplane 1928 2pOhwM 55hp Velie M-5 no other data. Also registered as the Snyder OHS-III X7950, later with 90hp Warner. Orval H Snyder was treasurer for Aire-Kraft, and DeLloyd Thompson was sales manager, as well as a renowned exhibition pilot. At the 1928 Chicago Air Show it was presented as Aire-Craft Cabin-AireDeLloyd . Cadet Aircraft Co (Jack Thurman aka Acme Dry Cleaning), Pomona CA. 2-P-A 1931 2pOB 90hp Curtiss OX - 5. POP: 1 registered as 183W cn 6. Recent info (11505) received from FAA by J M Jarrat shows this to be the Chambers Trainer 503 cn 1 (see entry below) that was sold to Cadet Aircraft, who re-registered it only because there was no ID card in the cockpit and numbers were not painted on the wings or tail. The plane flew with two license plates, perhaps the only one to manage that. The how and why of Cadets choice of cn 6 is another mystery. Cadillac SEE McCarroll Cain Aircraft Corp, 10527 Gratiot Ave, Detroit MI. Cain CC-14 11191 (Aviation Heritage) Sport CC-14 1931 (ATC 2-383) 2pOhwM 95hp Cirrus Hi-Drive span: 340 length: 238 v: 1109335 range: 550. Side-by-side parasol wing. 2,475 POP: 2 11191, 11342. 1928: (Edmund B) Cairns Aircraft Corp, 62 Rubber Ave, Naugatuck CT. A, AG-4 1930 2pOlwM 90hp Cairns G (Gypsy) span: 366 length: 247 v: 14011040. All-metal full-panted gear. Design based largely on Clark Robinson Special. Repowered with Szekely. POP: 1 X752Y151this registration also appears on the tail of a 1p Cairns identified as AG-4. Cairns AC-6 X752Y (Frank Rezich coll) AC-6 1931 2pOlwM 185hp Curtiss Challenger. A modification of the previous (substantial, too, judging by the major shift in horsepower) X752Y. AW-5 c.1931 2pOlwM, most likely AC-6 again, with 165hp Wright J-6. Clark Robinson Special 1928 1pOlwM 70hp Szekely SR-5 span: 290 length: 180. Cairns Robinson . A rather racy-looking craft with full-panted wheels, named for the Hollywood set designer with whom Cairns had once worked. POP: 1, crashed in a flat spin (p: Bill Hershfield slightly injured) and was never rebuilt after litigation over some alleged patent infringement X218H. OG 1930 2pOlwM 100hp Wright-Gypsy. POP: 1 X329V, refitted with 165hp Wright J-6. Crashed when a wing separated in flight. Reportedly another version was partially constructed in late 1931, but placed in storage after this accident. Caldwell SEE Gray Goose Cyclogyro California California Aeroplane Co, 743 Gough St, San Francisco CA. 1912 Thought to have been the Black Diamonds contact address for its exhibition tours. California John J Montijo Lloyd Royer, Glendale CA. Coupe-Cabin 1924 4pCB 300hp Hisso span: 400 load: 1290 v: 112x48. Lloyd Royer ff: 5724 (p: John Montijo). Built in the rear of a hangar used by Kinner Aircraft Co. First had 200hp Hisso. Fuselage constructed from Haskelite bonded plywood. A 20-gallon wing tank was fed by a wind-driven pump from a 50-gallon reserve tank under floor. Destroyed in late 1925 during the filming of a movie when a camera truck accidentally ran into it. California Aero California Aero Mfg Supply Co (fdr: Cleve F Shaffer), San Francisco CA. 1910 Primarily glider construction, but several powered aircraft were built, as well151one was described as as 1pOB on runners, quite likely a Wright copy span: 270, no other data found. SEE ALSO Meyerhoffer . Shaffer, a friend and admirer of aeronaut John J Montgomery, also organized the Wests first flying association, Pacific Aero Club, and its first annual exhibition on 81809, an Air-Ship Show at San Franciscos Dreamland skating rink that featured 25 aircraft and models. His sister, Geneve Shaffer, became our nations first woman pilot on 9109 when she soloed one of his gliders. California Cub California Aircraft Corp, 5866 South San Pedro St, Los Angeles CA. California Cub D-1 NC137W (Frank Rezich coll) D-1, D-1-K 1929 (ATC 2-271) 2pOhwM 90hp Lambert R-266 span: 379 length: 238 load: 517. Lawrence Brown . Parasol wing. POP: 1 NC137W became D-1-K when refitted with 100hp Kinner K-5 by Madson Flying Service of National City CA, c.1940. California Cub D-2 NC337H (K O Eckland coll) California Cub D-2 NC337H (Gene Palmer coll) D-2 1930 (ATC 2-344) 2pOhwM 100hp Cirrus Mk III span: 379 length: 2310. POP: 1 NC337H. Design influence apparent in Browns Courier MT-1. Call (aka Girard) 1908: Aerial Navigation Co of America Inc (fdr: Henry Laurens Call), Girard KS. 1912: Ended operations. Call Mayfly (Eaton Chronicles ) Call Mayfly (clip: 1909 Fly ) Call Mayfly Likely the smaller version (clip: unknown source) Mayfly 1909 A curiosity with a graceful, boatlike fuselage hung under free-form wings (span: 410) used two 20hp Curtiss motors to turn two tractor propellers (some reports say four props) at 1000rpm and carry 10 passengers, with luggage, from Girard to Chicago, in theory. In reality, its 3,000 mass refused to leave the ground. 1909 Janes comment: Closely resembles a Wright recently smashed re-building, which must reference one of Calls other planes since this hardly looked like a Wright product. Undaunted, Call next built a smaller, metal-framed version with 40hp motors, but that one, as well, remained steadfastly earthbound. Only one of Calls subsequent fanciful designs151reportedly numbering 14151finally made it into the air for varying lengths of time (specifically the Call II Monoplane with 30hp Harriman, a close copy of the French Nieuport), but the company, one of the first aircraft manufacturers west of the Mississippi, went bankrupt in 1912. See Sidebar 1940: (Ivan, Ruell T, Spencer) Call Aircraft Co, Afton WY. 1945: Acquired production materials from Interstate Aircraft Corp (design rights went to Harlow Aircraft Co). c.1954: North American Rockwell, Los Angeles CA. 1159: Incorporated at Call-Air. 1962: Acquired by Intermountain Manufacturing Co (IMCO), Afton WY. 12x66: IMCO acquired by Aero Commander div of Rockwell-Standard. Production continued in utility and duster classifications through 1967 at Albany GA. 19. Aero Commander, Intermountain (IMCO), Call-Air, S. L. Industries, Dynac, Airplane Services Inc. 19. Acquisition by Aerotek II, Afton WY. A 1940 (ATC 758) 2-3pClwM 80hp Continental A-85 span: 360 length: 2310 load: 565 v: 1089840 range: 475. Ivan Call . design based on Kinner Sportster. 3,500 POP: 1 prototype. Production delayed by WW2 until 1944. A-1 1944 (ATC 758) 2-3pClwM 100hp Lycoming O-235 span: 359 length: 237 load: 550 v: 11210044 range: 400. 3,500 POP: see A-3. Call A-2 N2912V (William T Larkins) A-2 1946 (ATC 758) 2-3pClwM 125hp Lycoming O-290 length: 235 load: 520 v: 12010944 range: 455. 4,525 POP: see A-3. Call A-3 N33359 (Dan Shumaker) A-3 1947 (ATC 758) 2-3pClwM 125hp Continental C-125 span: 359 length: 238 load: 530 v: 12210544 range: 360. POP total A-1 through -3: about 35. 4,750. Call A-4 N6028C (Eut Tileston) A-4 (Rockwell) 1953 (ATC 758) Same as A-3 but with 135hp Lycoming O-290, and slight increase in performance. A-5 (Rockwell) 1957 1pClwM crop sprayer developed from A-4 150hp Lycoming O-320 span: 355 length: 239 load: 850 v: 100. 5800. A-6 (Rockwell) 1958 Same as A-5 but 180hp Lycoming O-360 load: 930 v: 12011042 range: 350. A-7 (Rockwell) 19. 240hp Lycoming W-670. Call-Air A-9 N8234H (William T Larkins) A-9 (IMCO) 1963 1pClwM crop sprayer 235hp Lycoming O-540 span: 355 length: 240 load: 1000 v: x12052. 620 take-off run. 9750 POP: 120 by 1965. Call B-1A N33359 (Dan Shumaker) B-1, B-1A (IMCO) 1966 (TC A7WE, A8WE) 1pClwM crop sprayer 400hp Lycoming IO-720 span: 448 length: 306 load: 1500 v: 120100x range: 450. B-1A had 450hp PW R-985. TCs acquired by Aerotek Call-Air B-1, B-1A (qv). Super Cadet c.1946 Post-war production of Interstate S-1A . POP: unknown. Camair Div, Cameron Iron Works, Galveston TX 1958: New Kingstown PA. 1966: Camair Aircraft Corp, Remsenburg NY. CTN-A aka 480 Twin Navion 1953 (TC 2A2) Executive twin conversion and modification of North American NAvion. 4pClwM rg two 225hp Continental O-470. 39,000 POP: 1 prototype N480E, unknown production. CTN-B 1954 240hp Continental O-470B. POP: 28. CTN-C 1960 260hp Continental IO-470D span: 348 length: 280 load: 1373 v: 20019065. CTN-D 196 300hp Continental IO-520 load: 1500 v: 21520060 range: 900 ceiling: 22,000. Take-off run: 400, landing run: 600. California Aero Mfg Supply Co, 441 Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco CA. INFORMATION NEEDED 1911 Contemporary ads promised production of a biplane and a monoplane by this company that specialized in props, wheels, and other aeronautical specialties, but there is no record of actual planes being built. Chicago Aircraft Mfg Corp, 6116 St Lawrence Ave, Chicago IL. 2 1927 3pOB 180hp Hisso. Russell C Mossman . POP: 1 1344. Originally had a cantilever landing gear, later converted to conventional by Mossman. Partly destroyed by ground fire 1830, possibly scrapped. Mark M Campbell and R O Bone, Los Angeles CA. Super Sport 1928 2pOhwM 36hp Anzani span: 300 ff: 82129. POP: 2 prototypes for Bone Golden Eagle C-5 X236M, X7383, the first one of which crashed fatally on 9529 (p: K W Gale). Corwin B Campbell, Evanston IL. CB 1931 Unknown type converted 45hp Franklin. 12076 cn 1 reg cancelled 62934 as not in service. John M Campbell, Tacoma WA. Porpoise 1935 2pOMF (or Fb) 50hp Gnocircme rotary. 12796. (Hayden S) Campbell Aircraft Co, 526 North 2 St, St Joseph MO. Campbell F X280Y F 1935 2pClwM 82hp Ford V-8 pusher span: 360 length: 194 load: 535 v: 1129748 range: 350. Hayden Campbell . at the time VP of Barling Aircraft Co (of the same address). All-magnesium construction monocoque fuselage pod twin-boom, twin-tail tricycle gear with steerable nosewheel. POP: 1 X280Y cn 2 damaged in a demonstration flight and never repaired. 1944: Canadair Ltd (fdr: Benjamin W Franklin), no location. 1976: Government ownership. 1986: Acquired by Bombardier Aerospace. INFORMATION NEEDED 2-10 19. No data. 540 North Star 19. No data. Argonaut 19 No data. CC-106 Yukon 19. POP: 12. CC-144 Challenger 19. No data. CC-150 Polaris 19. Modified UK Airbus A310 as RCAF cargo and transport. POP. Challenger 600 1978 Bizjet. No data. 601 1983 No data. 604 1995 No data. CF-5, NF-5 Freedom Fighter 1968 No data. CF-104 Starfighter No data. CF-116 Freedom Fighter No data. CF-111 - Original designation for CF-104. Canadair CL-13 CL-13 Sabre 6 1950 Licensed production of North American F-86 with Avro Orenda 14. POP: 1,025, included exports to Colombia, South Africa, West Germany. CL-28 Argus 1957 No data. Canadair CL-41 CL-41 Tutor 1960 Jet trainer. 2pClwM rg GE J850CAN-40. POP: 210 for RCAF, included exports to Malaysia. Canadair CL-44 N123SW (William T Larkins) CL-44, Yukon 1959 Licensed production of UK Bristol Britannica with R-R Tyne 51510 engines ff: 111559. POP: 39. CL-44D4 19. POP: 27, of which 1 converted as Conroy CL-44-0 Guppy at Santa Barbara CA. CL-66, CC-109 Cosmopolitan 1960 Licensed production of Convair 440 repowered with Napier Eland turboprops, later Allison 501. POP: 10 to RCAF. Canadair CL-84 (Natl Aviation Museum, Canada) CL-84, CX-84 Dynavert 1965 2pC tilt-wing VSTOL two 1500hp Lycoming T53LTC 1K-4C turboprops span: 348 length: 538 load: 5225 v: 3213090 range: 420. POP: 4. CL-215 1967 Fire bomber piston-engine forerunner of CL-415. 2pChwMAm two 2100hp PW R-2800 with 3-blade props span: 9310 length: 651 load: 15,160 v: 189x79 range: (ferry) 1720 ceiling: 20,000 ff: 102367. Hopper capacity: 1200 Igal of water refilled in flight by skim-scooping from nearby lakes and bays. Originally a floatplane, design was modifed as amphibian for more utility. POP: 125, including exports to France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Thailand, USA, Venezuela, Yugoslavia. Subsequent production and conversions as turboprop CL-21AT by Bombardier (qv). CL-415 Super Scooper 1993 Fire bomber evolved from CL-215. 2pChwMAm two 2,380hp PW-Canada PW123AF span: 9311 length: 651 v: 234167x ff: 12693. 13,500 workload. Commercial version seated 30 passengers. CP-107 Argus 19. No data. Canadair RJ-100LR D-ALIT (Harro Ranter via ASN) CRJ-100, 200 (1987 No data. Global Express 1996 No data. PBY-5 Canso 1944 No data. Regional Jet CRJ-100 19. No data. CRJ-200 19. No data. CRJ-700 19. No data. T-33 Silver Star 19. No data. XT-42 19. No data. Canadian Car Foundry 1905: Canadian Car Foundry, Turcot Quebec. c.1935: Aircraft production implemented, with contracts from several British and USA companies. 1957: Acquired by A V Roe Canada Co. 1962: Merged and restructured as subsidiary of Hawker Siddelley Canada. CBY Loadmaster 1944 26p airfoil-fuselage two PW R-1830 Twin Wasps span: 856 length: 5311 height: 208 load: 10,100 v: 237170x range: 1025 ceiling: 24.000 ff: 8x45 (p: Chalmers H Goodlin). Vincent J Burnelli. Development of Burnelli UB-14 projected for Canadian bush operations CF-BEL-X. Despite good test results and press reviews, the prototype failed to attract any buyers and it was eventually sold to various air carriers in Canada and South America. Design rig hts were sold to Airlifts Inc (Miami FL), then repurchased by Burnelli (Burnelli Avionics) and repowered with Wright R-2600s N17N, but its heyday was over and it ended up in 1964 at New England Air Museum (CT) for restoration, where it was parked outside for a nearly a half-century and reportedly is presently rotting away instead. Model initials indicated CCF partnered with Burnelli and Lowell Yerex (founder of Central American TACA airline ops). Gregor FDB-1 CF-BMB (Aerofiles coll) Gregor FDB-1 Wings cigarettes trading card c.1940. (K O Eckland coll) Gregor FDB-1 (Model 10) 1938 1pCB rg 700hp PW R-1535-72, replaced by 750hp R-1535-SB4-G span: (upper) 280 (lower) 237 length: 217 load: 1220 v: 275 (gt230)20560 range (est): 985 ff: 121738 (p: George Ayde). Michael Gregor. Initialized for Fighter Dive-Bomber, the gull-wing, flush-riveted metal ship was built for RCAF evaluation, but rejected for canopy frailty and pilot visibility problems despite better performances than Hurricane and Spitfire. Design influenced by Seversky, for whom Gregor had priorly worked. Occasionally seen as Continental FDB-1 . reason unknown. POP: 1 CF-BHB cn 201 lost in a 1945 hangar fire. G-23 Goblin 1936 Licensed production of Grumman FF-1 SF-1 export models with 700hp Wright R-1820-78. POP: total 53 34 to Spain as Delfin (reportedly some units were assembled there), 16 to RCAF in 1940 as Goblin, and 1 each to Japan, Mexico, and Nicaragua. Hawker Hurricane 1939 Licensed production of the British fighter under license, with various modifications. POP: 1,40043. CCF Maple Leaf II CF-BPU (Dan Shumaker coll) Maple Leaf I, II 1938 2pOB 145hp Warner Scarab span: 270 length: 236 load: 600 v: 118101x ceiling: 16,000 ff: 103139 (p: O C S Wallace) (data for II). Initially built-up from an acquired unfinished Kinner-powered project, Wallace Trainer, flight tests were unsatisfactory POP: 1, project cancelled. In 1939, II was a major redesign by Elsie MacGill conceived as a RCAF trainer, but rejected as being too elementary and docile. POP: 1 CF-BPU and 2 as components, with jigs and plans, sold to Mexican AF, who assembled at least one of them as their Ares 2. Mentor 1954 Licensed production of Beechcraft T-34A for RCAF. POP: 100. SBW Helldiver 1943 Licensed wartime production of Lend-Lease export Curtiss SB2C-4E for RNAS and RCAF. POP: 834 SBW-1, -1B, -3, -4E, -5 . Additional units also built by Canada Fairchild as SBF. CanAmerican CanAmerican Inc, no lacation, most likely Canada. S. G.VI and VI-E 1947195 3pCH 200hp Franklin 6A4-200-C6 rotor: 350 v: x780. Gross wt: 2,550. Bernard Sznycer . The first S. G.VI was developed by Engineering Products of Canada Ltd and tested in July 1947. INFORMATION NEEDED No data. c.1950 1pOmwM all-wing, No data. Canton-Melcher Allen Canton J Melcher, Bronx NY. INFORMATION NEEDED 19. No data located on an early transatlantic giant constructed at Classon Point NY. Cape SEE Troy Safety Airplane Corp, Oakland Airport and El Cerrito CA. Capelis XC-12 X12762 getting prepped for a motion picture thats Mr Capelis holding a yardstick (for unknown reasons). Site is Grand Central Air Terminal, Glendale CA (RKO via Paul Mantz coll) Capelis XC-12 Revised cockpit and windows (Frank Rezich coll) Capelis XC-12 Oakland Airport (William T Larkins) XC-12 1933 12pClwM rg two 525hp Wright Cyclone span: 550 length: 420 load: 3000 v: 22019065. Dr John E Younger POP: 1 X12762. All-metal triple biplane tail partly-retracting gear, which extended automatically when the throttle was closed. Funded by local Greek restaurateurs as a promotional aircraft, and constructed with help from University of California students. US patent 1,745,600 issued to Socrates H Capelis, of El Cerrito, in 1930 (a modified application for patent of the design with a half-span dorsal wing and two more engines appears in 1932). The main spar was bolted together, and much of the skin attached with P-K screws rather than rivets. These tended to vibrate loose, requiring tightening or replacing every few flights. Promotional tours were soon abandoned, and its career ended as a movie prop, appearing in ground roles in several motion pictures (Five Came Back 1939, Flying Tigers 1942, others) before reportedly being scrapped c.1943. Flying shots in films were of a model the plane itself was grounded by the studios insurance company. You have Capelis XC-12 as scrapped c. 1943. Ive seen this elsewhere, so I was surprised when I watched the Columbia 1950 release On the Isle of Samoa on TCM, which featured both the model and the full-scale ship. So it appears the old bird lasted longer than has been suggested (151 William Villan 4707) (Ernest J) Capen Aircraft Corp, Lincoln NB. Parasol 1925 3pOhwM 165hp Curtiss Challenger. POP: 1 X240K cn 200. Skyway aka Special 1928 4pOhwM Anzani (replaced by165hp Curtiss Challenger). Parasol wing. Suffered control problems after a few flights, crashed and burned, killing Capen X7974 cn 100. Capital Air 1928: Capital Aircraft Co Inc, Lansing MI. 1929: Relocated and renamed Royal Aircraft Corp, Royal Oak MI (qv) Trainer 1928 2pOhwM 60hp LeBlond 5D span: 340 length: 249 load: 475 v: 1008535 range: 400. 2,875. POP: 2 recorded, X130E cn 4, with 90hp OX-5 in 1935, and X131E cn 5 possibly others. SEE ALSO Royal Trainer . Capital SEE Hoppi-Copter Caribbean Husky SEE Convair L-19 Helge L Carlson, LaGrange IL. 90-7D 1930 1pOM 90hp LeBlond Aircat span: 300. Used for sport and racing. 10518. Reg cancelled 2433. Carlson was an auto mechanic (1925), then part owner of Schafer Anderson Motor Sales (1929). Goodwin Carlson, Slayton MN. Carlson Space Saver 14837 (May 1937 Popular Aviation ) Space Saver 1936 1pOhwM 30hp Szekely. Folding wings for storage. POP: 1 14837. Reportedly one other Carlson creation appeared earlier, but no further info found on either of them. (Ernest W) Aircraft Inc, E Palestine OH. Sparrow 198 1pOhwM 27hp Rotax 277 span: 302 length: 169 load: 246 v: 635826 range: 200. Tricycle landing gear. Marketed kits. Also as Sparrow Sport Special with 52hp Rotax 503 load: 305 v: 1008530. Sparrow II 198 2pOhwM 52hp Rotax 503. POP: 1 N4CA. 1948: Carma Manufacturing Co, Tucson AZ. VT-1 Weejet 1956 Primary jet trainer. 2pCmwM rg 920 Continental J69-T-9 span: 280 length: 240 load: 1970 v: 33428057 ff: 33056 (p: Harold. Dale). Harold Dale . Side-by-side cockpit, V-tail. POP: 1 N8209H. Joseph R Carnes, Hillsboro IN. INFORMATION NEEDED 1931 Ford-powered home-built. No other data. 10714. Carolina SEE Atwood Dr C E Chuck Carothers, Lincoln NE. Aerobatic Midwing Special 1981 1pCmwM 200hp Lycoming IO-360. Deep, slab-sided fuselage tiny wheels, wire-braced wing. N44XP. Merrell L Carpenter, Joplin MO and New Orleans LA. 1930 1pOB with a 45hp engine, described in Joplin Globe as a 1930 Carpenter with a General Engineering motor, registered in 1934 by Bayard Arnold Carpenter, New Orleans. POP: 1 888Y cn BAC-3. Special 1931 2pOB 40hp Salmson AD-9. Built for Carpenter by Wilbur Staib in 1931, but unregistered until 1933. POP: 1 NX63Y cn MLC-3, modified in 1949 by Charles Rawson and repowered with 85hp Continental (span: 210 length: 196 v: 110), then sold to Ed Kellar, who changed its name to Dea-Dea . Walter J Carr, Saginaw MI 1924: CSC Aircraft Co (Carr, John Coryell, Edward Walter Savage), Saginaw. 1919 3pCB Curtiss OX-5 pusher. One of the first planes to be equipped with wheel brakes, using motorcycle brake drums. Maiden Saginaw 1925 3pChwM 90hp Curtiss OX-5 span: 420 v: x85x range: 400. Cantilever wing. Lack of funds cancelled production. Carr Special NR12844 Special aka Junior 1932 1pOlwM 125hp Warner Scarab (originally 90hp Curtiss OX-5 v: 156x50) span: 220. Gee Bee-style racer, built up from an old Travel Air fuselage NR12844. Did not fare well at the 1932 Nationals, was more successful in midwestern competitions, eventually ended up as a skywriter. Destroyed in a landing mishap c.1937. Carr was also designer of Paramount Cabinaire. Raymond Carroll, location unknown. c.1920 Ultralight. 1pOB 15hp Excelsior span: 260 length: 160. (Franklin) Carson Helicopters Inc, Perkasie PA. Super C-4 c.1960 2-4p conversions of Bell 47G and 47G-2 helicopters with 240hp Franklin 6VS-335A. CarterCopter 1994: CarterCopters LLC (pres: Jay Carter Jr), Wichita Falls TX. CarterCopter Heliplane N121CC (CarterCopters) Heliplane Transport 1998 5p cabin gyrocopter hybrid 300hp turbo Chevrolet Corvette V-6 pusher rotor: 436 wingspan: 320 length: 224 ff: 92498 (p: Don Farrington). Projected gyroplane that would fly coast-to-coast on 125 gallons of gas at 400mph at 45,000 and break the 181 barrier. Popular Mechanics Design Engineering Award in 2000. POP: 1 prototype N121CC. Carter-Maxwell (Don J) Carter-(Arnold B) Maxwell Co, RFD 4, N Kansas City MO. C-M-2 1935 2pOM 50hp Ford. 14496. Carvair SEE Douglas DC-4 Casey Jones JVW Corp, Newark NJ. Flying Boat 1937 2pOMFb 101hp Hudson auto engine buried in the hull, belt-driving the prop v: x80x. Designed by Lee Warrender and Walter Hartung at Casey Jones Flying School. Inflatable rubber wing tips and floats. X17866 cn B-1. This registration also belongs to a Lycoming-powered Applegate LSA amphibian (but cn 1), which could be a rebuild. Thomas K Cassutt, Huntington Station NY. Cassutt Special I N20N Special I 1954 1pCmwM 85hp Continental C-85 span: 1411 length: 160 load: 360 v: 23019058 range: 500. TWA pilot Cassutt entered the 1958 Nationals with his prototype Jersey Skeeter N20N and came away with a championship. Since then many Cassuts, reportedly more than 150, were crafted by home-builders worldwide. II 1957 Longer-wing version span: 150 load: 286 v: 23518067. In 1959 a Special II with 138 wing span is noted. III 19. 1pClwM 180 Lycoming span: 182 length: 160. William Darwin Caswell, San Francisco CA. 1910: fdr: Sunset Aviation Co, Alameda CA. 1910 Another former auto racer, like Robert Fowler and Fred Wiseman (qv), who briefly took on the challenge of flight, Caswell is said to have constructed several Bleacuteriot, Curtiss, and Farman type of planes while he operated Sunset School of Aviation. Also like Wiseman, he gave it up in 1913 to go into automobile sales and service. When the US entered WW1, Caswell instructed in Army ground schools at UC Berkeley, but soon applied for enlistment in the Air Service. However, despite his flying abilities and because of his childhood loss of a leg, he was rejected by the Army, but managed to gain a commission from the French Air Service in Nov 1918, and was enroute for duty overseas just as the Armistice was signed. He then returned to selling cars in Los Angeles. 1908: Joseph L Cato, Alameda CA. 1909: Gustine CA. 1915-1941: Engr positions with Sloane, L-W-F, Marlin-Rockwell Co, McCook Field, Elias Brothers, and Emsco. 1941: Cato Aircraft and Engine Corp. (Interesting and detailed coverage of Catos notable career and accomplishments can be found at Dr Ralph Coopers web site.) 1909 1pOB Curtiss type with no data, built at Sunset Aviation Field, Alameda. He learned to fly in this machine. 1910 1pOmwM 35hp 2-cyl Cato. No data found on Catos first design, somewhat like a Blegraveriot XI. 1910-11 Built two more 1pOB Curtiss pusher types. Cato and engine (Phyllis Cato Ferguson via Dr Ralph Cooper) Cato (Drina Welch Abel coll) 1911 or 1912 1pOB pusher engine rebuilt from Pope-Toledo auto motor. Cato Bounds (Phyllis Cato Ferguson via Dr Ralph Cooper) Cato Bounds at Fort Bliss (Andres Bunsow via Emma Ochoa Bunsow) Bounds 1915 1pOB rotary (very likely Catos first radial development) no specs found. Cato design built for Overton Rusty Bounds, a popular stunt pilot, as his first exhibition plane 1915-16. Photos show it to have undergone a replacement rotary in 1915, one being the French type with clockwise (dextrorotatory) rotation and the other his own creation that ran counter-clockwise (levorotatory) which was installed first is unknown. Cato-LWF Butterfly (Phyllis Cato Ferguson via Dr Ralph Cooper) Butterfly SEE L-W-F Butterfly . Cato Sport Plane (Drina Welch Abel coll) Sport Plane (L-W-F) 1919 1pOhwM 72hp 2-cyl Cato span: 290 length: 2010 load: 727 v: 68x25 ceiling: 12,000. Cato was an early designer for L-W-F and this plane is often called the L-W-F-Cato . Monocoque fuselage made from three layers of cedar sheeting fuel and oil tanks on top of wing. Described as landing (at minimum speed) to a stop in 45151power-on landing in 120151take-off in 50, and that a man can run alongside and keep up with the plane until the wheels leave the ground. It is unclear if L-W-F actually built this plane as a company project or if Cato did in his spare time. Cato also designed the 1928 convertible Elias EC-1 . Catron Fisk SEE ALSO Fisk, International 1917: (J W) Catron (Edwin) Fisk, 732 Marine St, Venice CA. 1925: Reorganized as International Aircraft Corp. 1919 1pOB 90hp Curtiss OX-5 span: 180 v: 110. Sport model with plywood-covered, octagonal-shaped fuselage I-struts. Also as 2p with 290 wings as utility model v: 90. Originally the Fisk Biplane. Catron Fisk CA-11 CF-11 1924 3-4pOB 150hp Hisso A span: 370 length: 260 load: 1000 (once lifted 1360) v: 1279045 range: 550. Plywood, eight-sided-fuselage progenitor of International . POP: 2 2675, x. The first one, designed for aerial mapping, with 200hp Curtiss E-2, christened Constance for the wife of its first owner, was used for a while as an aerial camera ship, then was purposely destroyed in a crash sequence in the film, Air Hostess (Columbia 1933). The second, dubbed Jail Bait by movie pilot Frank Clarke, cleaned up a bit in design and with 90hp OX-5, was destroyed when its wings sheared off during aerobatics. CF-13 c.1925 Similar to CF-11 except for differences in fuselage construction. POP: 1 3404. CF-14 (CF-10) Triplane c.1925 4pCT three 65hp Ford-T auto engines span: 450. All-wood construction of bonded Haskelite, double interplane struts, fuselage-mounted undercariage. First revision with two 90hp Curtiss OX-5, redesigned wide-tread landing gear mounted under the engines second revision with 8p cabin, balanced ailerons, I struts, doubled wheels, triplane tail. POP: 1, became International CF-10 entry in 1927 Dole Race as Pride of Los Angeles with 230hp Wright J-5 crashed into San Francisco Bay before the race. 1920 Catron Fisk triplane (J W Underwood coll via Avn Heritage) 1920 Catron Fisk triplane (clip via David Hatfield) Sport Triplane 1921 1pOT 90hp Curtiss OX-5 span: 200 v: 90. All-wood construction. Later with Hall-Scott L-6 (Liberty 6). POP: 1 special design for the Curtiss Cup Race and competitions and derbies. Carlos E Catt, Petersburg IN. 1935 2pOM 40hp Ford. 15183 cn 316. Cavalier SEE Trans-Florida Victor Cavasino, Bismark ND. A 1930 1pOB 90hp Curtiss OX-5, later replaced with Hisso A span: 300 length: 240. 3W. Destroyed in a crash 4234. On 51529 Arthur Brand and Leslie Smith, owners of Bismark Flying School, bought the wrecked Swallow 3831 for its engine, which was used by Cavasino, the schools flight instructor, in building this plane. (151 John M Jarratt 101402) Ed Caviezel Jr, Kenosha WI. INFORMATION NEEDED Sport 1 1928 Unknown type Lawrance. 10030. Rogers Construction Co, Gloucester NJ. CD Air Express (EAA) Air Express 1925 1pOB span: 520 length: 346 load: 1840 v: 105. Charles Day . Mail plane partially built in 1921 by Rogers, but the customer defaulted, and the plane sat in storage until its purchase in 1925 by Charles Dickinson, of Chicago, at which time it was completed. Not that its critical, the initials honor Dickinson, not designer Day. SEE ALSO Aerial Transport . C-E Aeroplane Works, (office) New York NY (plant) Anderson IN. C-E A-12 Construction ( Aerial Age via Joe Martin) C-E A-12 3-view ( Aerial Age via Joe Martin) A-12 Transcontinental Triplane 1916 8-12pT two 150hp Sturtevant 8 span: 560 length: 293 v: 989048 climb: 900 fpm. Gross wt: 7088. Plywood clad fuselage, cloth covered one-piece wings with tubular steel spars glued and nailed to wooden trusswork (Eiffel 37 airfoil). Six 40-gal fuel tanks in the body and one 30-gal tank above each motor claimed sufficient for flights of 20-25 hours. Land and water version projected. Extent of construction or flight, if any, is unknown. Note the cockpitlike cut-out in the engine nacelle151we wonder if that was fresh-air seating for the pilot(s) E-C-13 Triplane Tractor 1916 Advertised 41916 as partly constructed but lacking 820hp engines sic: plural possibly never finished. Central SEE Lamson Central Aircraft Co, Mahaska KS. 1927 3pOhwM 90hp Curtiss OX-5 span: 350 length: 219 load: 650 v: 112x35. 2861. Rebuilt dnd converted to 3pOB with 100hp OXX-2 by Ernest Barton as Barton 100 and reregistered 91528 as 7631 span: 350 length: 2110. Reg cancelled 71830. INFORMATION NEEDED Central Aircraft Corp (pres: Preston M Neilson), Keyport NJ. c.1941 Took over former Aeromarine Co plant and was, as stated in 1942 Janes: . engaged in experimental and developmental work as well as. subassemblies for other manufacturers. Its own experimental work is concerned with the development of high-speed military aircraft and this work has progressed to the point of production of wind-tunnel models. Central States 1926: Central States Aero Co Inc, Wallace Field, Bettendorf IA, formed to back Don Luscombes projects. 1927: Renamed Central States Aircrfaft Co. 1928: Reorganized as Mono Aircraft Co, Moline IL. Monocoupe 22 NC6725 (Frank Rezich coll) Monocoupe 22 1927 (ATC 22) 2pChwM 60hp Anzani span: 300 length: 199 load: 475 v: 958038 range: 400 ceiling: 8,000 ff: 4627 (p: E K Rusty Campbell). Clayton Folkerts . Donald Luscombe . The first cabin light monoplane to receive an ATC. The first three planes were built in the Wallace Brothers workshops. 2,375-3,750 POP: about 25 10251027, 4138, 4891, 5726, 6725, 6743, 7003, et al. Also powered by 55hp Velie M-5, 60-75hp Detroit Air-Cat 1025, and 70hp Ryan-Siemens SH-13. SEE ALSO Mono . Central Washington Central Washington Air Service, Wenatchee WA. 1931 2pOM 90hp Curtiss OX-5 span: 300 length: 190. POP: 1 10628 cn 3. Reported as not in use after 111232, reg cancelled 13134. 1929: Century Aircraft Co, Kansas City MO. Century SMB-4 X559E (Frank Rezich coll) Apparently this is Beal Centurion (or Centurian ) (qv), from recent sleuthing by historian Jarratt. There is also minor conjecture is that this and the following outfit might have been the same or allied in some way. However, principals in the Kansas City company were F E Wilcox, Ray W Wilcox, Archie F Siegling, and R H Brainerd, and in Chicago they were Manuel Cooper, H J Bluestone, and J H Wendt, which suggests otherwise. Century Aircraft Corp, 715 W 22 St, Chicago IL. Amphibian Monoplane aka Sea Devil c.1930 16pChwMAm three 325hp Hisso span: 726 length: 430 load: 5800 range: 1400. Metal-covered wood structure. Main landing gear fitted to short stub sponsons. A smaller, single-engine prototype was in the works 1932 but probably was not finished. 47N. There is one 47N on the registers 1930-33. During 1930-32 it is described as a single-engine (Hisso) amphibian. Then, suddenly in 1933, its registered as Century Amphibian Monoplane with three Hissos I have an article with photos showing construction of a large tri-motor amphibian with 47N in big letters painted on it. The name Sea Devil is mentioned in the article, as well. Perhaps they reserved the number 47N while experimenting with the single-engine amphibian, then switched it to a three-motor thing. (151 Lennart Johnsson) Cessna-Roos SEE Cessna Chadwick Helicopters Intl, Sherwood OR. C-122S Rainbow 1990 1pCH 63hp Rotax 503 rotor: 186 length: 190 load: 249 v: 115730 range: 125. Four-bladed rotor. Challenger SEE Kreider-Reisner C-2 Hosea James Challis, Rensselaer IN. 1933 2pOmwM 35hp Ford T. 13510 cn 1002. Parasol 1937 1pOhwM 39hp Scorpion. 20484 cn 1003. Gunston lists a Harold R Davis as building a Challis Special 1pCM in 1956, but no data were found, and its relativity here is only a guess. Chamberlin, Crescent 1929: (Clarence D) Chamberlin Aeronautical Corp, Jersey City NJ. 1930: Crescent Aircraft Corp Aircraft Corp (pres: C D Chamberlin), 372 Lembeck Ave, Jersey City. 1930: Bankruptcy. 1939: Reorganization. 1927 Constructed by Ludington Co, this two-winged lightplane project was said to have a 60 take-off run and would land in 75 SEE Ludington . Chamberlin 2-S (C D Chamberlin) 2-S (Crescent) 1939 2pOlwM rg 100hp Chamberlin-Rover span: 340 length: 234 load: 725 v: 13011542 range: 500-600. All-metal, monocoque fuselage, tandem cockpits. Advertising tells of availability as Cadet with 125hp Chamberlin-Rover, and Pursuit Trainer with 150-165hp Chamberlin-Rover, but possibly only one prototype actually built, and might be the original version of C-5 . A 1930 Unspecified type with 300hp Wright, possible ChwM prototype of C-81 . 9769 cn 1. C-2 Trainer 1930 2pOhwM 100hp Kinner K-5 span: 320. Parasol folding-wing primary trainer for Chamberlain School of Aviation. POP: 1 166H. C-5 Super Sport, -5A Pursuit Trainer (Crescent) 1939 2pOlwM rg 125hp Chamberlin-Rover span: 340 length: 214 v: 17516045 range: 500, or 150hp Warner Scarab length: 224 v: 22020045 range: 500-600. Very likely this is a renaming of 2-S, as the year and specs are so similar. C-81 (Crescent) 1931 (ATC 2-355) 8pChwM 300hp Wright R-975. POP: 1 prototype of C-82 NC60W. Chamberlin C-82 NC69K (C D Chamberlin) C-82 (Crescent Transport) (Crescent) 1931 (ATC 2-343) 7pChwM 300hp Wright Whirlwind J-6 span: 480 length: 2811 (gt286) load: 1260 (gt2100) v: 13011050 range: 600. Clarence Chamberlin . 12,500 POP: 1 NC69K. Available as 8p with 450hp PW Wasp Jr for 15,000, but none was built. Puddle Jumper 1928 2pOB 80hp Cirrus span: 200 length: 180 load: 500. Had a few parts from a Sperry Messenger. X4248 cn. A A Chambers, Hornell NY. High-wing 1928 OhwM 90hp Curtiss OX-5. 7891. Russell Chambers, Pomona CA. Chambers R-1 NX95Y (Frank Rezich coll) R-1 1938 1pClwM rg (manual) 90hp Menasco B-4 span: 1310 length: 174. Tom Floyd . POP: 1 racer NX95Y Chambermaid, originally dubbed Phantom. Trainer 1931 2pOB 90hp Curtiss OX-5 (possibly first had a Velie). Registered as 503 cn 1, but sold to Cadet Aircraft Co before numbers were painted on the plane. SEE Cadet entry above for the major mix-up this caused. Champion Airplane Co (Lester F Bishop), Chicago IL. INFORMATION NEEDED 1915 2pOB. No data. 1932: Champion Aircraft Corp (fdr: H S Myhres), Downey CA, in former Emsco plant. B-1 1932 (ATC 2-409) 1pOhwM 23hp Cyclomotor. An ultralight trainer, the design based on Cycloplane with similar data. POP: 2 12261, 14989. Company only lasted about one year. R-D-A 1932 A low-power Champion aircraft, undescribed and lacking data, but with a 40hp Echo, was quite possibly the work of Myhres here. 265Y sn 2. Champion Aircraft Corp (fdr: Robert Brown), subsidiary of Flyers Service Inc, Osceola WI. 1954: Acquired rights to Aeronca 7. 1970: Acquired by the revived Bellanca Aircraft CorpBellanca Sales Corp (aka Inter-Air). 1982: Acquired by Champion Aircraft Co (unrelated SEE next entry), Houston TX. 1989: Certain assets and rights acquired by American Champion Aircraft Corp, Rochester WI. Champion Lancer (Ron Dupas) Champion Lancer N9928Y (Eddie Coates) 402 Lancer 1961 Modernized 7FC with two 100hp Continental O-200-A span: 346 length: 223 load: 660 v: 13012443 range: 744 ceiling: 17,500 ff: 10x61 prototype N9924Y. Production didnt begin until Mar 1963. 12,500 POP: 23. Data also found as having two 95hp Continental C-90-12F span: 352 length: 218 v: 13510540. Advertised as a thrifty multi-engine time-builder, but that might have been a twin variation of 7FC POP: 2. 7EC Traveler 1955 (TC A21CE) 2pChwM 90hp Continental C-90-12F. Dimensions similar to Aeronca 7EC span: 352 length: 216 load: 590 v: 11010045 range: 290. POP: 1. Also offered in a Deluxe version with more luxury appointments. Series continued as Bellanca product. Champion 7ECA N11059 (Eddie Coates coll) 7ECA Citabria 1964 Major redesign of 7EC, short-span wing, squared tail. 100hp Continental O-200A span: 335 length: 228 load: 700 v: 11210750 range 900. Optional 115hp Lycoming O-235-C1 load: 670 v: 11711250 range: 728. Champion 7FC N7557B (Roger Cain) 7FC Tri-Taveler 1957 Tri-gear version of 7EC length: 218 load: 532 v: 13510840 range: 500 (specs are from a 1957 Flying review and the disparity in airspeeds with 7EC and same engine begs a question). POP. Evolved into 402 Lancer . Champion 7GC (art: company brochure) 7GC Sky-Trac 1959 Improved 3p Aeronca 7EC with 140hp Lycoming O-290-D2-B span: 335 length: 221 load: 719 v: 16012042 range: 638 ceiling: 18,100. Approved for floats and as an ag plane. 7GCAA Citabria 1965 7ECA with 150hp Lycoming O-320-A2B span: 335 length: 228 load: 590 v: 13012550 range: 537 ff: 53065. Became American Champion Citabria Adventure in 1998. Champion 7GCB N9835Y (Eddie Coates coll) 7GCB, 7GCBA Challenger 1962 7EC with flaps and longer wing. 150hp O-320-A2B span: 346 length: 211 load: 600 v: 16212536 range: 630 ceiling: 17,500. 8,650 POP: 22. Also offered in a Deluxe version and as 7GCBA ag sprayer. 7GCBC Citabria 1965 Similar to 7ECA with new engine, flaps. 150hp O-320-A2B span: 346 length: 228 load: 540 v: 12812545 range: 537 ff: 12165. Optional 108hp Lycoming O-235-C1 v: 11611245 range: 537. Champion 7HC art (ad: Aero Digest) 7HC DXer 1958 3pChwM similar to 7GC Sky-Trac tricycle gear. Approved for ag work with Sorenson spraying system. POP: 1 N8559E, still active in VA at the end of 1999. Champion 7JC N8960R 7JC Tri-Con 1960 Deluxe 7FC with reverse-direction tri-gear151a steerable third wheel was under mid-fuselage. 6,695 POP: 20, which were all reportedly converted to 7EC before leaving the factory with sns 7JC-1-20, but registered as 7EC in 1960. However, our featured plane, N8960R cn 7JC-4, is presently on FAA regs as a 7JC, so this is a knot yet to be unkinked. (researcher Joe Schmidt 71000) 7KCA c.1965 First experiment in aerobatic version of the Champ. 2pChwM 160hp Lycoming IO-320-A2B span: 285. Spring-steel gear. 7KCAB Citabria 1968 Aerobatic version of 7KCA with inverted system. 160hp Lycoming IO-320-A2B span: 335 length: 228 load: 575 v: 13312550 range: 537 ceiling: 17,000. 8GCBC Scout - Enlarged 7GCBC. No production noted. 8KCAB Citabria Pro 1968 Aerobatic development of 7KCAB with 200hp Lycoming IO-360 ff: 8268. POP: 1 prototype N5143T. In 1970 it was redesigned and strengthened, and refitted with 150hp IO-320, but by then the company had fallen into financial straits and closed down shortly thereafter. Champion Olympia (Ron Dupas) Olympia 1962 Deluxe 7GC Sky-Trac with redesigned swept-tail and 150hp Lycoming O-320-A2B v: x135x. IFR panel, wheel pants. 1982: BB Aviation, aka Champion Aircraft Co (unrelated to the previous) (pres: Jack Burden), Hooks Memorial Airport, Houston TX, on acquisition of Bellanca Champion holdings. 1985: Ended operations. 1990: Acquired by American Champion Aircraft Corp. Citabria 1983 Continuation of part of the acquired Bellanca Champion line. Only two planes are known built, one as Citabria 150S (7GCBC) and another as Scout (8GCBC), with data similar to the Bellanca models. (Kenneth) Champion SEE Jupiter Chance Vought SEE Vought Chanonhouse Fred C Chanonhouse, Squantum MA. Stevens ( Aerial Age via Joe Martin) 1915 2pOBFb Sturtevant pusher no other data found. George Armitage . Built for Stevens in 1914-15, Providence RI. Chanonhouse, production superintendent at Sturtevant Co, was reported as having built a number of different types of machine for private use, which were for the main undocumented and unrecorded. Chaparral Motors, Polmar Lake CO. 2T-1A 19. (A18EA) Development of Great Lakes 2T-1A. 1929: (Ralph) Charles Airplane Motor Co, 140 S 5th St, Zanesville OH. 1928 2pOB 150hpHisso A (or 180hp E). Builder is shown in regs as Leona M Charles, Dayton OH (wife of Ralph Charles). POP: 2 2026, 2494, shown as cn 10 and cn 11, with the first one also registered as the Charles Airplane Co Flivver 3p monoplane (SEE entry below). A c.1929 No data. POP: 1, registered as 3135 cn 6914 with no data. It was not uncommon for builders to begin production with cn 10 or 1000 or, for that matter, any number they chose, so most likely 6914 had some special meaning to someone. E-1 1928 Unknown type with Lawrance L-3. POP: 1 2840 cn 101. Flivver 1929 3pM with 180hp Hisso E. This smacks of a lightplane project, at least its name so implies. POP: 1 2026 cn 10. From an ad in a 1930 Western Flying: For sale - 3-place monoplane with 180hp Hisso motor, not yet one year old, in fine condition, 1,050 3-place biplane, 180hp Hisso motor and in fine shape, 650. Both planes are ready to fly away. Neither has ever been in a crack-up. Ralpe sic Charles, Zanesville, Ohio. MA-1 1929 Unknown type with Charles 450 motor. POP: 1 7417 cn 2001. P D Charles, Gettysburg PA. R-1 c.1930 This OX-5 type is in the registers as 890N cn 1 with no attendant description or data. Charliss-Wendling Charliss-Wendling Automatic Aeroplane Co. Location unknown. INFORMATION NEEDED 1910 No data. 1943: Chase Aircraft Co (fdr: Michael Stroukoff), Trenton NJ. 1953: Acquired by Kaiser-Frazer. c.1954: Ended operations. SEE ALSO Stroukoff . C-122 Avitruc 1948 Cargo and troop transport. 30pChwM two 1100hp PW R-2000 Twin Wasps span: 958 length: 618 v: 220 range: 2900. Gross wt: 32,000. Developed from 1946 all-metal XCG-18A troop glider ff: 111848. POP: 1 prototype YC-122 as a motorized conversion from YCG-18A 47-641. YC-122A 1948 Two 1350hp R-2000. POP: 2 48-16391640. YC-122B 1949 Repowered with 1425hp Wright R-1820s. POP: 1 conversion from C-122A. Chase YC-122C 49-2879 (USAF) YC-122C 1950 Service trials for 18th AF. POP: 9 49-28792887 . Chase XC-123A 47-787 (Johan Visschedijk coll) Chase C-123B with tipjets 52-1627 (USAF) C-123 Avitruc, C-123A Provider 1949 XG-20 powered glider fitted with two 1900hp PW R-2800-83 ff: 101449. POP: 1 as XC-123 47-786, 1 as C-123A (with four paired J47s underwing ff: 42151 as the first US jet transport) 47-787, and 5 as C-123B in 1953 as pre-production models 52-16271631 for Fairchild C-123B . Chase-Gouverneur H M Chase M F H Gouverneur, Wilmington NC. 1910 1p multiplane 40hp motor span: 160 length: 300. Gross wt: 1200. Framed in aluminum, described as being somewhat like the Wrights in general plan, but this is tempered with its having a series of planes (the number unspecified). It flew short hops at about five feet altitude on 111411, at aptly-named Wrightsville Beach, but there is no record of any flights after that. 1 1982 1pClwM. Strut-braced wings, conventional gear, streamline wheel fairings N62Y. Milton A Chester, Bristol PA. K-L-A-C 1929 2pCM 32hp Lawrance. X531E. Chester, A R C Art Chester, Chicago IL. Air Racing Chester. Chester Jeep and Art Chester R12930 (J W Caler coll) Chester Jeep R12930 (Frank Rezich coll) Special 1 aka Jeep 1932 1pOmwM 125hp Menasco C-4S span: 168 length: 150. Racer for 1933-35 Nationals competitions NR12930 (p: Art Chester) ff: 8x32. Modified with new wings as Jeep for 1936-37 races. Original airframe was donated to EAA, and was reportedly undergoing Ray Goss restoration in 1997. Named after Eugene the Jeep, as were Chesters later racers named for Alice the Goon, baby Swee Pea, and J Wellington Wimpy, all characters in the Popeye comic strip (aka Thimble Theatre). Chester Goon NX93Y (WASM coll) Chester Goon NX93Y in the nude (Ian MacFarlane coll) Special 2 aka Goon 1938 1pCmwM 290hp Menasco C-6 span: 186 length: 214. Greve and Thompson racer NX93Y Goon (p: Chester). Sold to Bill Falck in 1947. Swee Pea 1947 1pClwM 85hp Continental C-85 span: 178 length: 160. POP: 2 midget racers: Y-tailed NX8400H Swee Pea and N4000K Swee Pea II, aka ARC from corporate name, Air Race Chester. Swee Pea sold to Chesters mechanic, Lynn Kauffold, and was modified with conventional tail as Sky Baby (span: 186 length: 176) N8400H (p: Bill Broadback, Lynn Kauffold, Paul Penrose). Swee Pea II crashed at San Diego on 42449, killing Chester. Wimpy 1948 1pCmwM 85hp Continental C-85 span: 186. Midget racer, similar to Swee Pea II, but with conventional tail destroyed in testing 1948 N8001H. c.1911: Chicago Aeroplane Mfg Co, Chicago IL. INFORMATION NEEDED 1911 - Exhibition biplane, no data. Reported Max Lillie involvement to some unknown degree. Very likely this is the same as the following entry, operating under a different or variant name. 1909: Chicago Aero Works (pres 1909-19: Herbert S Renton), 326 River St, Chicago IL. Star Junior side-view (Chicago Historical Society via J M Jarratt) Star Junior 1917 1pOB 18-20hp 3-cyl Star Aeromotor span: 200 length: 166 load: 190 v: 60x38. John B Rathbun or Max Stupar . Appears to be a basic design for other, larger models, plans for all of which were advertised for 5.00. 1,000 (incl crating) POP: unknown but, according to a company brochure, many aircraft were supplied since 1911 with their brand, mostly custom jobs for individuals (Victor Carlstrom and Hillery Beachey were named). SEE ALSO Stupar . Star Junior Sport c.1928 OB with 60hp 4-cyl Curtiss span: 206 length: 178. One registered c.1928 to Aubrey M Barnes, who reportedly rebuilt it in 1929 and dismantled it in 1930 for storage. Another registration in 1929 names Harry Taylor (Chanute KS) 888N cn 13. Star Tractor 1916 OB with unknown 60-70hp motor. 2,700 (incl crating, less instruments). No data on this one, yet another in a series of either built or planned light airplanes, included Military Tractor and Speed Scout . Chicago Aviation Chicago Aviation CoChicago Aviation School, Chicago IL aka dba Viking Aircraft Co (pres: Leon Morgan). 101228: Filed for bankruptcy. INFORMATION NEEDED Viking 10-A 1928 - 4pCM 120hp Anzani span: 360 length: 261. POP: 1 NC4625, built for Detroit Air Show, sold to Greer College. Company secretary, J C Bryan (and Charles Laird) built Bryan-Laird B-1B 516K for Greer College in 1929, which could be this plane, reregistered151a NASM abstract mentioned that he was streamlining it. Chicago Helicopter Chicago Helicopter Ltd, Chicago IL. INFORMATION NEEDED Chicago Helicopter ( Aerial Age via Joe Martin) 1924 2pOH no data. Designed and built by William T Strong. Chicago Javelin SEE Locomotive Chicago-Midwest 1929: Chicago-Midwest Aircraft Co, Dayton OH. 1930: Dayton Aircraft Corp, Keowee and Monument Sts, Dayton. Chicago-Midwest (unknown magazine clip) Chicago-Midwest twin SEE note below (Musem of Flight) X-101 aka Dayton Overmount X 1929 10pChwM two 525hp Wright R-1750 Cyclone tractor-pushers in tandem span: 678 length: 510 v: x140x. The motors mounted on a pylon over the midsection wing purchased from Fokker Corp. Boasted a take-off run of only 225. POP: 1 X3094. After 80 hours worth of successful flights, its motors were converted to side-by-side tractors, then it was sold in 1934, and ignobly converted into a concession stand at Lansing airport. In the second photo, notice how the nosecockpit area and wing attach point are very different from the photo of the tandem installation. Had they produced a new fuselage (151 Dennis Parks, MOF 71207) Chickasha Aeroplane Co, Chickasha OK. INFORMATION NEEDED 1911 - No data. Chiquet-Van Zandt L F Chiquet and H Van Zandt, White Plains NY. Aerial Turbine 1936 2pC two 25hp Henderson. 16797. Chilleen-Fitton Simon Chilleen, Oak Park IL. Fitton name or role unknown. H-22 Special 1933 1pOlwM Cirrus Mk III span: 146 length: 128. Racer designed by Orville Hickman for the Nationals R12936, but reportedly crashed in Kentucky on the way to participate in its first race (p: David Bishop). My Uncle Sie (Simon) Chilleen built this airplane in our basement to race at the Cleveland Air Races in the early 1930s. He had to remove the wings in order to get the plane out of the basement This was. A family story handed down several generations was that the little plane crashed before the race. Uncle Sie later moved to Arizona later in the 1930s to teach aircraft sheet metal work at Phoenix Technical High School for many years. (151 Dick Chilleen 112303) Phil Chipman, Anaheim CA. Challenge c1976 2pClwM, 33hp Canadian Curtiss-Wright snowmobile pusher engine load: 300. Chmielewski Joseph Chmielewski, Cleveland OH. 1A 1937 2pCB 80hp Franklin. 18383. Chris Tena Chris Tena, Hillsboro OR. 1978: Sport Air Craft Corp. Mini Coupe 1971 1pOlwM 65hp VW 1600cc span: 224 length: 164 load: 331 v: 1059043 range: 300 ceiling: 12,500 ff: 9671. All-metal twin rudders, tri-gear. Marketed plans and kits for home-builders. Christen Industries Inc (fdr: Frank L Christensen), Hollister CA. 1991: Acquired by Aviat Aircraft Inc, Afton WY. A-1 Husky SEE Aviat A-1 . Eagle I c. 1980 1pCB 260hp Avco Lycoming span: 1911 length: 186 load: 481 v: x16556. Intended solely for unlimited class aerobatic competition. Available in kit form from Autumn 1982. Eagle II 1977 2pCB 200hp Avco Lycoming AEIO-360-A span: 1911 length: 186 load: 550 v 18416058 range: 380. More than 500 kits had been ordered by 1982, including Eagle I. The Roman numerals signified one - and two-place models, which explains why II was built before I. Christensen Harvey Christensen, no location. 1948 1pCmwM 85hp Continental C-85 span: 160 length: 167. Midget racer Zipper NX5713N. 1910: (Dr William Whitney) Christmas Aeroplane Co, Washington DC. c.1912: Durham Christmas Aeroplane Sales Exhibition Co. 1918: Cantilever Aero Co, Copiague, NY. 1912 3pOB 50hp Gyro rotary pusher span: 400. Swept-back wings with wing ailerons advertised as being an automatically balanced aircraft. Appeared at the NYC Aero Show, and later flew at Mineola with a 75hp Roberts replacement. c.1913 1pOB tractor motor. Claimed construction was advertised in magazines as an all-steel armed military machine as late as 1915, but production is unknown, and military records do not indicate they ever had a copy. Christmas 1915 (ad: 1915 Flying ) 1915 1pOB, no data found. Aerial Express 1928 - A Burnelli-like design for an intercontinental airliner of huge dimensions. Something like 100 passengers, and cargo, were to be housed in the thick wing. Eight powerful engines in two groups were to drive two huge propellers. Not built. (NASM has a drawing of it.) Christmas Bullet ( Aeronautics ) Bullet 1918 1pOswB 185hp Liberty 6 (prototype) and 200hp Hall-Scott L-6 span: (upper) 280 (lower) 120 length: 210. William Christmas . Vincent J Burnelli (admitted to fuselage design only). Controversial cantilever design for a military scout had flexing, unbraced wings with interconnected trailing-edge ailerons veneer-clad fuselage. POP: 2, built at Continental Aircraft, Amityville NY. Prototype destroyed after in-flight structural wing failure on 123018 (gt11419) at Staten Islands South Beach, killing test pilot Frank Mills, and the second crashed for similar reasons on 5119. A patent for the Bullet design was reputedly granted in 1914, and the US government, facing his infringement lawsuit in 1923, allegedly bought the rights to his movable ailerons for 100,000 however, none of this has never been substantiated and most likely occured only in his publicity. US patent 1,797,326 issued to Dr Christmas in 1931 for a flying-wing aircraft shows his continued design involvement at that time, but there is no record of it being produced. His oft-noted claim of more than 100 aeronautical patents is somewhat exaggerated, and is more like 10 to 15 at most. Christmas Red Bird ( Aerial Age ) Red Bird 1909 1pOB 75hp Roberts pusher. The first of Christmas designs featured down-sloping upper wings and up-sloping lower wings, an identifying feature noted in his subsequent biplane designs. US patent 957,744. There is question about the credibility of this design151the eccentric Dr Christmas was not above employing the ideas of others151and it appears to be a very close copy of AEAs Red Wing (not to mention his imitative choice for a name). POP: 1. He claimed to have built a plane in 1908 at Fairfax VA and, after it crashed into a tree, that he burned it to prevent its secrets from being stolen, but there is no documentation his actual flight history began with this machine. It is quite possible that one machine could have been built at College Park MD in 1909, as well as another in 1911 or 1912151data are confusing and conflicting. Red Bird II 1910 Modification of the 1909 model. POP: 1. There were claims of another two or three of this model built, but no documentation, although a 1911 published photo shows this plane151or one similar151in flight with wing cut-outs, and a quad gear. Was this a prototype of the military craft described above Christofferson SEE ALSO Bennett-Christofferson 1910: (Harry Silas) Christofferson Aeroplanes, Portland and Vancouver WA. 1912: (Goodsell, Harry, Harvey Silas) Christofferson Aviation Co Inc, 1417 Van Ness Blvd, San Francisco CA. 1913: Merger of production facilities with Alco (Allan Loughead), Ft Mason (San Francisco). 1915: Christofferson Aircraft Mfg Co, 2893 Glasscock St, Oakland CA. May 1916: (Harry) Christofferson Motor Co, Redwood City CA. 1916: Manufacturing ended shortly after Silas Christofferson was killed in a crash on 103116. 1918: Interests sold to United States Aircraft Corp after Goodsell Christofferson was killed in flying accident. 1919: C-W-B (Harry Christofferson-(W person unknown)-Frank Bryant) Mfg Co, Gough St at Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco. c.1920: Harry Christofferson, a founder of the Early Birds organization, gave up flying with a remarkable record of carrying more than 7,000 passengers without a single mishap Harvey went into flight instruction, but was killed in a crash in May 1927. 1912 Christofferson Trainer Flight students and trainer (clip: 1915 Flying ) 1915 2pOB no specs found on this trainer for the Christofferson Flying School at Ocean Beach, San Francisco. 1920 Probably the last of the Christofferson airplanes, an amphibian was reported in Apr 1920 Pacific Aeronautics as being built by Harry Christofferson for J Paulding Edwards. Details were sketchy, but it was to have a 47 wing, a useful load of 750, and one 150hp Hisso A. If this test is successful, it was stated, this land and water craft will be produced in quantity. This must not have been the case, for Harry closed shop that year and opened an automobile agency. 1912 Christofferson (WASM coll) Biplane 1912 1pOB Curtiss-type headless pusher. Used extensively for exhibition tours in the Northwest, one of which featured a take-off from a 20 x 150 planked runway on the roof of the Multnomah Hotel in Portland, but photos of the event show a standard, not headless, Curtiss design, so it is assumed there was more than one machine used on this tour. Christofferson Model D 1914 (Dan Brownlee coll) Christofferson Model D D 1914 Very likely Hydro or a variant of it, or just an added model designation. Note differences in above pix: rudder, radiator, fuel tank above motor. The photo is most certainly a Christofferson Flying Boat, could be a Model D or earlier variant. Unusual rudder shape and upswept hull are characteristics, even down to the pinstripe. Christofferson usually had the name and model type emblazoned on the forward hull, unfortunately just covered by the lower wing in this photo. Model D was used in 1913-14, transporting over 7000 passengers around and between San Francisco and Oakland. There is a picture of a Model D sitting on beach sand just as here. could that be post-quake SF in the background The Model D in the photo I have does not have the diagonal enginecabane bracing struts, and this one seems to lack the cylindrical fuel tank between the engine and the wing shown on the D. Possibly this is an earlier model, as the D was supposedly in use starting in 1913, and your photo is dated 1912. Christofferson boats seemed to have been well designed, especially their hulls. (151 Bill Devins 2401) Looping Biplane 1916 2pOB 85hp Curtiss OX-2 span: 310 length: 192. POP: 1 for exhibition flyer Joe Bocquelle. Flying Bike (C-W-B Co) 1919 1pOB 15hp Indian span: 250. POP: 1, plus unknown number sold in kit form to home-builders. Flying Boat 1915 3-4pOBFb 100hp Sturtevant span: 470. Propeller was chain-driven by fuselage-mounted motor. POP: 2, of which one to Mexico. Christofferson Hydro (WASM coll) Hydro 1913 3pOBFb 120hp Hall-Scott pusher span: (upper) 490 (lower) 336 length: 280 v: x60x. POP: 3 or 4, of which two were supplied to Roald Amundsen for a proposed Arctic flight, but not used because of outbreak of WW1 one was eventually sold to Japan. Others were used for sightseeing flights at the Panama-Pacific Exposition in San Francisco, and for Silas Christoffersons San Francisco-Oakland aerial ferry in 1914 as the second commercial airline in the US. Company field, in 1913 at the foot of Sloat Blvd, was San Franciscos first airport, with a runway comprised of flat boards laid out on the beach. Christoffersons airport at SFs Great Beach with its lumber runway, 1914. Italian pilot Silvio Petterossi is seated in his Bleacuteriot. (Donna Ewald glass-plate negative coll) Tractor 1914 3pOB 100hp Hall-Scott span: 390. Tricycle gear. POP: 1 for unsuccessful military trials in San Diego. The first plane to fly over Mount Whitney, at c.16,000 on 62514 (p: Silas Christofferson). Tractor 1915 Larger version of the previous with a Sturtevant motor span: 470. POP: several built under contract from the Mexican government. Could also be the two reconaissance aircraft ordered by the Army in 1916 AS118119, but cancelled. Chrysler Group, Detroit MI. Chrysler VZ-6 58-5506 (Army Transportation Corps Museum) VZ-6 1959 1pO twin-rotor ducted-fan test vehicle built for the Armys Flying Jeep competition. 500hp Lycoming, located in the center of the rectangular-shaped vehicle next to the offset pilots position, drove dual 86 three-bladed propellers fore and aft length: 216. Rubber skirts around the outside of the vehicles bottom edge helped sustain lift, while forward motion resulted from lowering the nose and using duct-mounted vanes to deflect some of the slipstream rearward. POP: 2 58-55065507. Tethered flight tests in early 1959 showed the VZ-6s as overweight (2400) and underpowered, and with severe lateral stability problems. During the first non-tethered attempt at flight, the first prototype flipped completely over. The pilot escaped without serious injury but the craft was damaged beyond economical repair. Both prototypes were scrapped in 1960. Church Sherwood Aviation School, Nassau Blvd Aerodrome, Long Island NY. Biplane c.1912 2pOB 50hp Kirkham 6. (James) Church Airplane Mfg Co, Chicago IL. Mid-Wing Sport 1929 1pOmwM 28hp Henderson span: 268 (gt270) length: 1610 (gt173) load: 228 v: 906028 range: 400. Repowered with 46hp Church J-3 Marathon, as well as other motors used for testing. Modified from Heath Parasol kit with surplus Thomas-Morse Scout wing panels, later switched to Clark-Y airfoil 281M) cn LR-1 (Excelsior engine). POP: less than 10, plus an estimated 200 home-builts from plans. Reportedly several of these were built as racers using Heath wings and fuselage151found were 10553 sn JC-3, 10722 sn JC-4 and registered as Church Mid-wing. Church Racer NR12050 (Frank Rezich coll) Racer 1933 1pOmwM 46hp Church Marathon specs and data similar to Sport . Racer for the 1933 Nationals NR12050 sn R-3-31 (p: Walter Franklin). Church Miller P W Church F R Miller (as part of (Lee U) Eyerly Aircraft Corp), Salem OR. Monoplane 1929 1pOM with 55hp Velie M-5 span: 320 length: 200 load: 200 ff: 10x29, test-flown by Lee Eyerly. 190N cn 3, sold to Ray Bicknell on 21732, who crashed fatally at Corvallis on 9733. Zane Cieslak, St Louis MO and Normandy MO. Cieslak C 12388 (Bob Cieslak coll) C Little Pal 1932 1pOhwM 40hp Ford T span: 290 length: 170 v (est): 75. Parasol wing. Flew several times before being damaged beyond economical repair in a ground loop. POP: 1 12388 cn 1. My father began construction of Little Pal in 1928 by modifying a Model T engine for aircraft application and hand-carving a propeller. The wood-and-wire primary fuselage was constructed in the back yard of his St Louis apartment and, after moving to a house, completed in the basement in 1931. Not being a pilot, he flew the plane about a dozen times a week in 1932 from a grass field at an altitude of around three feet in flights that were always hampered by weeds clogging the radiator and carburetor. Another field was located in 1933, and a pilot-friend volunteered to make the first flight. On the take-off run a tire blew, causing a ground loop and nose-over, and Little Pal was shambles. The wreckage took up half the space in a basement until 1947, when it was burned to make room for home improvements. (151 Bob Cieslak 10805) Cincinnati Jungclass Automobile Co, Cincinnati OH. INFORMATION NEEDED Monoplane c.1910 - No data. Joe Cinquanta, Paradise CA. D B Hawker II 1973 2pCmwM 43hp Sachs snowmobile engine span: 240 length: 226 v: x120 x. Empty wt: 355. Very low twin-boom pusher, only 38 in height at the top of the cockpit. Hornet c.1967 Aerobatic mod of Smith Miniplane plans. 1pOB 80-95hp Continentals span: 150 v: x11555. POP: reportedly 10 N13H, N14H et al. Circa Reproductions Inc (pres: Michael Lee), Calgary, Alba Canada Circa Nieuport 11 (Rob Vandervelden via Circa) Nieuport 11 aka Graham Lee Nieuport 1984 78 scale version of the WW1 French fighter. 1pOB geared Rotax 503 or 55-80hp VW conversion span: 217 length: 166 load: 250-296 v: 956227. Graham Lee . Marketed plans for home-builders also included Nieuports 12 and 17, Morane Bullet, Sopwiths Baby and Tabloid. In 2005, EAA Chapter 292 (Independence OR) produced 14 of these ships in a mass-production team effort as their Noon Patrol Escadrille. Cirigliano Serafin Cirigliano, New Castle DE Farmingdale NY. Cirigliano SC-1 775W (EAA) Smith-Cirigliano SC-1 N775W (Brent Taylor) SC-1 Baby Hawk 1928 2pOB 90hp Curtiss OX-5 span: 270 length: 176 v: x125x. David Ashley . 775W. Scaled-down copy of Curtiss Hawk, and a second version of Ashley SP-5 899W. Modified in 1949 with 145hp Warner, 270 wing, and cockpit canopy as Smith-Cirigiliano N775W (qv). CIT-9 SEE Merrill CIT-9 Science, beauty, freedom, adventure what more could you ask of life Aviation combined all the elements I loved. 151 Charles A Lindbergh

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